Els temps

Dec 29, 2006 16:28

The weather is about to go to hell - it's been glooming since mid afternoon. I got my hair cut on a whim this afternoon. As usual I had a pyschotic hairdresser, I seem to attract them with my meekness toward my own hair. Anyway the haircut itself is tres chic and I like it alot. I nearly said "cut it all orf" but then common sense and pride and vanitas prevailed and said "cut alot orf but not all and make me beeyootiful". At any rate, I like it.

I am sick sick sick and sick of being sick. My neck has two sides of pain and swollenness and I don't know what it causing it because it comes without a sore throat, or sniffles, or the joys of boxes of tissues. It makes me feel ill and tired and like staying in bed forever and I don't like it. I have got not quite half of my holiday plans into action. Quelle frustratament - I got my gold licence today and the photo was hideous (and pre-hair cut). Foolishly I had a vague idea I would be handed my renewed licence with my loverly pic that was taken last year after I was mugged and had to replace it, but sadly twas not the case. Also, she took it from about 50000 metres away so it's a face and a bosom - no a decollatage. Could be practically anyone with a massive smile in a blue top. The top clashes so with the gold!

Anyway that is more vanitas. I read a beautiful story today called Orpheus Lost by Janette Turner Hospital. I took advantage of it being the holidays to read it from start to finish in one morning and it was tremendously satisfying. I want to write like that one day, books that you eat up and they suck your brains out too (temporarily). It's delicious.

If it rains not (unlikely) I shall be camping for New Years Eve and return to 2007 in need of a shower and a long sleep. Mmmm.

by Natalie Jane

Get well
Buy CD wallet for storage of all random CDs
Paint the tower tops of Sagrada Familia
make that ice milk carton candle OR throw away all the candle wax you have been hoarding
Write down what you have intended to write down for years but with maturity this one and a dash of salt
Remind self why you fold your clothes on shelves only to take them out, try them on, and stuff them all back in higgledy piggledy.
Fix the i-pod connectory thing and add new music to mini to avoid shitty breakfast radio
be organised at work (hah)
Update this journal rather than lying in armchair and imagining what would update if was updating
GO TO THE GYM regularly rather than occasionally for guilt alleviating reasons
Walk for an hour each day if previous not fulfilled
Clear remaining crap out of parental home
Put together Espanya 04 photo album (shame N shame)
Be patience with Loved One #1 - remember you are fabulous and need only yourself to remind yourself of this daily
be fabulous! (er)
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