62 || [vide0 / action]

Jun 10, 2011 01:57

*Attention mansion: you have a rather creepy pest problem. Markus has discovered that there's ventilation shafts and if he crawls around in them he can spy on people from their ceiling vents. That strange, unsettling sensation of being watched while you're sleeping? It might actually have some merit if you're brave enough to look ( Read more... )

stalking, stay home be alone, c: terezi pyrope, c: lithuania, c: seimei, c: meltzer, c: snowman, c: feferi, c: gareki, i will watch you always, c: hajime, c: yuu, c: spencer, c: santana, c: shinjiro

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[action] scary_enough June 10 2011, 18:42:25 UTC
[Spencer had actually mostly managed to put Masky out of her mind. Since the near-confrontation with Wesker, she hasn't had much to do with the masked persona and she'd kind of hoped it meant he was done with her.

Until she hears a scuffling overhead. She looks up from the book she was reading, dropping it with a startled yelp]

What the hell?!


[action] timisnotme June 10 2011, 20:47:45 UTC
*He crawls along to the next vent, staring down at her. Then he realizes who she is.*

Are from before. With other with red eyes.

*He doesn't sound happy about this realization.*


[action] scary_enough June 10 2011, 21:20:53 UTC
[Spencer all but leaps to her feet, moving to grab her hockey stick. Because that's really going to help. Still her posture is defensive]

Yes. And if I hadn't been there, that's a situation that would have escalated far beyond what happened.


Re: [action] timisnotme June 11 2011, 07:43:04 UTC
What would have done then?


[action] scary_enough June 11 2011, 16:13:00 UTC
I really don't want to think about it, but it would have become violent I have no doubt about that. Especially with you apparently thinking killing's a fun way to pass the time.


Re: [action] timisnotme June 11 2011, 22:45:03 UTC
Is way to pass time.

People come back. Is not permanent.


[action] scary_enough June 11 2011, 22:59:23 UTC
That's not the point. That's not even anywhere near the point. Dying and then not being dead isn't normal for most people.


[action] timisnotme June 12 2011, 04:06:19 UTC
Is normal for here. Why not use it?

Can't when am home. Just stay dead there.


[action] scary_enough June 12 2011, 12:11:05 UTC
Because it's weird is why. And creepy. And not in any sane person's definition of normal because neither is half the crap that goes on in this place.


Re: [action] timisnotme June 12 2011, 20:53:38 UTC

Don't care if weird.


scary_enough June 12 2011, 22:38:58 UTC
Why am I not surprised you don't know what that word means.


timisnotme June 12 2011, 22:55:43 UTC
Why should? Is not important.


scary_enough June 13 2011, 15:51:23 UTC
Maybe not for you. I quite enjoy not being crazy.


timisnotme June 13 2011, 20:57:08 UTC
Not crazy? Not yet.


scary_enough June 13 2011, 21:28:15 UTC
Not ever. I don't care how weird this place gets.

[And yet there's the tiniest, tiniest trace of doubt in her voice]


timisnotme June 13 2011, 23:35:02 UTC
Won't know until happens. Things always change.


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