Sep 21, 2014 10:50
I had to write a poem for my curriculum class. It was based on a poem she showed us called where Im from or something of that nature. It is supposed to envoke where you came from but not straight out tell it cause the class has to guess. But what if you feel like you came from two or more places...well it has been intereseting so far. I present this week. I also have to present a "map face" which is a face covered with maps of places that are significant to us. I am currently working on it, and will post a pic and the explanation when it is done.
Here is the poorly written
I come from Winnie and Edna, Foster and Lena.
Janet and Eldred and a little bit of Sue.
I come from salt water and steamed crabs,
Marsh and mosquitoes, mountains and things that go “Moo”
I come from climbing trees and forever skinned knees,
I come from iced tea and porch swings on hot country nights
I come from working on the water and working in the fields,
I come from riding the tractor with Pap, and petting his cows
I come from a standing Saturday morning breakfast date with Daddy while Mommy was at work.
I come from a one room church house and Sunday family meals.
I come from all we will ever ask of you is to do your best, do unto others, and make all your dreams come true!
yeah so oh i need ideas for a way to represent native american heritage or influence in a culture box...ideas?