SO much going on.....

Sep 21, 2014 10:35

Lets see since I last posted my sister was given a two months to live then it was recinded as she begun chemo again...(i think this is the fourth time.)

Last week: My Brother in law had an aorta replaced. (like they werent going through enough with my sister(their mom) but then their dad got sick. They have all three kids had a major awakening as of late on what is important in life.

Last week my brother had back surgery and will be recuperating for six weeks at my neices house, which basically means id he doesnt let us know whats up she wont. she is very bad at keeping us up to dat on things, and they live so far out in the country you cant reliably get them by cell phone!

On the morning of the 13th I boarded Bob at the pet hospital because he has been having this re occuring ear infection for almost three years now. I decided it had to be me, I have such a hard time giving him meds by myself.(sweety was away in Arizona) He is a big loverboy until you try to put drops in his ears or give him a pill. He is sick and tired of it. So i boarded him so they could give him his run of meds and maybe just maybe he would recover!

saturday evening around 5 pm i noticed cammie was acting odd. breathing with her mouth open and looking like she had ran a race too. I picked her up(which as a general rule she does not care for, she loves when SHE wants to lol) and she weighed next to nothing!! I called my sweety and begged him to call his daughter and ask what to do (she works at a local vet) she said for me to get her to the pet ER ASAP. So i called mom hysterical and she came and got me and cammie and we traveld to the next town to the pet ER. cam laid in my lap her little heart racing amd breathing very heavy. Fortunately I had called ahead to the ER and they were expecting us. They took her from me at the door and ran to kitty triage. I knew things werent good when they came out and asked me to sign a resuciatation (sp?) order. Did you know if they do CPR on a cat it causes the cat to be more likely to need it again?? i didnt even know they could do CPR on a cat. A few minutes later they ushered me into a waiting room and the doc came to talk to me. she tells me in cats when there is a sudden drastic weight loss in a cat who is otherwise acting and eating normally it is usually one of four things and they are all terminal. she told me she could do diagmostic test to find our how to treat her but frankly she was afraid the tests would kill her as they had to put her straight into an oxygen tent.(again something i had no idea they had for animals) i asked her to give me a few minutes as i was bawling and could not think straight. but in the end i made the very difficult decision to let them put her to sleep. She would have been miserable and the extension if any on her life by meds etc would have been strictly for my benefit not hers. I told her my decision when she returned and asked if i could be with her. They said yes and they brought her to me so i could talk to her and tell her goodbye. which consisted basically of me hysterically telling her i loved her and i was so sorry i had failed her and to please forgive me. i also prayed heavily that her passing would be peaceful and she would go knowing i loved her.

They then came in and the doc explained the process anestesia (sp) first then the needle that actually does the deed. She let me hold her in my arms while she did it. She stopped breathing when they administered the anestesia which the vet had suspected would happen. she gave her the other shot and confirmed she was gone. My Cammie left this world on September 13th around 8pm. She was ele3ven and a half years old. She was a sweet sweet kitty and I am trying really hard to believe i didnt fail her. Pet ER has a creamation contract with a local funeral home and i went with that. I picked her up yesterday. They put her in a very lovely kitty sized urn and they are making a name plate for her. This is why i hate living in an apt sometimes. when things like this happen what do you do? The mortician explained that they have a seperate unit the use exclusively for pets and each pet is done one at a time and then the whole thing is cleaned out betwen animals. he said that it takes a little longer this way so they have never advertised their services because they get enough referrals from the vets to keep them busy.(who wouldve thought?)

I got to bring bob home friday. all week i was panicking to his reaction to her being gone. i talked to the vet at length about it. I did not want to replace cam but if she felt it would be best for bob i wouldve adopted an adult kitty. Thankfully doc said it is not neceesary and might even agitate him. He has sniffed around her stuff a bit (which the vet told me to leave out for a few days so he could acclumate himself) she also told me bob prob knew she was sick anyway. they have a sixth sense for these things. She also told me not to blame myself that kitties hide they are sick so as not to make themselves easy prey to predators and even tho they are in the house their instinct is still to hide it til it can no longer be hidden.

Bob seems to be doing fine and for the first time in a very long time he is playing with toys! he has not felt like it in such a long time. when i visited him earlier in the week he started batting a toy around. you know i had to go get him some toys, and i got him a new bob sized litter box. I thought boxes were boxes but i found one in pet smart that is wider and longer which will be great for bob.

Why when people hear you have lost a cat do they try to shove kittens down your throat? i guess they mean well but it was irritating. And funnily enough sweety thought i was going to rush out before he got back and get one. Nope not interested in replacing cam. My user pic is the only one i have saved in here that has cam on it. Oh well thanks for listening.

R.I.P. Camden "Cammie" Jones May 2003- September 13, 2014.


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