The 3 Stooges

Aug 22, 2003 07:44

Ok so I was going to go out and buy one of those new cellphones with the color screens and built in camera and stuff. Even though no one calls me, I figured I should be getting non called in style. Anyway, my plans were foiled by the cable men. They didn't show up until like 3 and they didn't leave till about 7. It was a freakin' nightmare. It was like watching the three stooges trying to hook up cable internet. Curly was in the corner blindly fumbling with our wires and slapping himself in the face, Moe was sitting in our chair "acting" like he knew what he was doing, desperately pressing keys and poking his own eyes out, and Larry was on the phone giving the same assanine directions over and over again. It was like, we were connected to the internet, but we weren't getting enough juice and they couldn't figure out why. I swear it took them 4 hours to get it going. After they left me and Jim played with it for a while. I must say it does kick ass compared to dial up. I downloaded mad songs in like 20 seconds. That alone makes it worth it. I'm sure our eBay pics will download hella fast too. Ok so it was working, but then after like two hours the shit stopped working again. I didn't really care b/c they're supposed to be coming back tomorrow, but Jim was freaking out. He has a fit if he can't use his damn computer for two seconds. He started looking all crazy, cursing, spitting, and saying "See, I knew I shouldn't have tried this cable internet bullshit" if it was my fault for suggesting the upgrade from slow ass dial-up. The other computer's monitor went so using that wasn't an option unless we just wanted to stare at squiggly lines for fun. The third computer is somewhere in the realm of hell (the kids closet). We called the cable company support people to see if they knew what was going on and they were basically moronic stooges with no information too. Then Jim just kept turning the computer off, unhooking the modem, then hooking it back up, ovear and over and over again as if this was going to fix the problem. I got tired of looking at that shit real quick so I finally said "Ok let's think here. The TV is working fine, but the internet isn't...they're both hooked up to the same splitter...hmmm....let's try unhooking the TV from the cable and putting just the internet right into the cable". Voila baby! Internet jumped right back up. I guess the signal isn't strong enough for us to be able to watch TV and play on the computer at the same time so till they fix it it's one or the other. Man I should work for the cable company. Obviously not much intelligence is required. Just flesh and a semi-functional tongue. What morons. Hehe, I now have yet another e-mail address with my real name. I never have to worry about that being taken. I love my unique name dammit! So hey, like anybody that knows may now e-mail me at T******* Heehee! Well anyway, hopefully they will get their asses here early today so I can go buy my unecessary $400 loaded cellphone. Ug, work again tonight! I talked to Zugeil yesterday and she had me so pissed. Apparently her medical leave got approved. I'm happy for her but at the same time I'm pissed. It isn't fair that she called out for like two straight weeks with ten points and didn't get fired. Some of those nights she admitted to not even calling out at all. If it were me I'd have been gone. When it was Eric, he was gone. Others too, but not Zugeil 'cause they like her? WTF kind of way is that to run the place? You don't go by favorites you go by the rules fuckers! Still I helped her out as a friend when she called me and gave her advice as to how to go on a medical leave and it worked. I might have actually screwed myself by doing such because now there's the issue of the days off. Looks like Amy told her she will still have her Sun/Mon/Tues off when she comes back which is what she said she was going to give me. I don't know how we are both going to have the same days off but I'll tell you this: If they change my days I am quitting. Point blank. I need my Mondays and Tuesdays off and that is that. That's all I'll say on the matter till I find out more.
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