[RL - Master and Ten, Valentine's Virus~ Cardiff at first but hey, who knows where this'll end up.]

Feb 14, 2008 17:44

The Doctor leaned on the railing, tapping idly on the metal surface. He'd been in Cardiff for the past few hours but hadn't actually done anything. It really was odd. Ever since the day had began he'd felt agitated, as if he was waiting for something.

He'd parked the TARDIS over the Rift, since a little pitstop had never hurt anyone, but about an hour in he'd got bored of feeling agitated and on edge inside the TARDIS. And so he'd promptly gone out and spent his time feeling agitated and on edge outside the Cardiff Millennium Centre instead.

So here he was, standing and watching people go about their business. Something was going to happen soon. He just knew it.

valentine's virus, rl, virus, ic, master

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