Open Hearts and Dark Theatres [RP for aces_are_rare]

Jul 29, 2008 03:07

It had been four days since their first 'date,' and the Doctor still found most of his thoughts focused on what had transpired between them. It was a curious thing, really; he'd loved her for so long, silently, and had nearly accepted the fact that it would remain that way. Now, however, he found himself grateful for the feeling of liberation it ( Read more... )

roleplay: with ace

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aces_are_rare July 29 2008, 18:33:29 UTC
Ace paused in the doorway between the console room and the rest of the TARDIS and leaned against the wall. She wasn't surprised to find the Professor here. For the last few days they'd been drifting in the vortex, allowing themselves time to simply be together (and, though neither would admit it, for them to get over the toxin scare.) But they weren't sedentary people, either of them, and it was time to leave the safety of the TARDIS ( ... )


timewill_tell July 29 2008, 19:21:10 UTC
He grinned softly to himself as he felt her voice so close to his ear, her chin resting on him. He was hesitant to move for just a second; every touch from Ace was pleasant, familiar, comfortable.

"Be thankful you don't," he said, finally turning his head to look at her. Of course, he didn't it mean it in the way it probably sounded; he was slowly learning to open up to Ace, granting her the same gift she granted him. It was hard for both of them to open to anyone else completely, and he supposed they'd decided it was simply always going to be them, and they weren't about to close the other out now. Still, there were some thoughts he simply couldn't bear letting her know. He didn't like to think on how short her life was, compared to his, but it was a truth he couldn't escape, and he was adamant about doing his best to keep the life she had with him as free from burden as possible. There were times he thought he'd completely failed at that ( ... )


aces_are_rare July 29 2008, 20:30:55 UTC
A frown flickered briefly across Ace's face, both at the Professor's words and the things he didn't say. She knew by now better to think that she could ever understand all that went on in the Time Lord's mind, but that didn't stop her from feeling left out sometimes. She knew, too, that he tried to protect her from things, but didn't lie to her the way he once had. He had his secrets, though, just as she had hers; there were a few things they would never share with each other. They shared the rest, and that was enough.

I believe you, she said with her eyes and a touch of her fingers to his cheek. Then, with a smile to match his own, she moved so she stood at his side, her own fingers touching the console lightly ( ... )


timewill_tell July 29 2008, 21:52:18 UTC
With his hands looped together casually behind his back, the Doctor watched--with some degree of unmistakable pride--as Ace programmed the TARDIS to take them where she wanted to go. He might have whistled, he was feeling so oddly whimsical, and eager.

"Quite ready. And quite curious," he added. "It wouldn't be much of a surprise for you to tell me just what you've planned, but I must confess to being quite anxious for finding out."


aces_are_rare July 29 2008, 23:39:05 UTC
"You know what they say about curiousity," Ace muttered, her attention on the console. It wasn't often that she programmed a flight, and even less often that he remained silent and didn't offer 'advice.' Finally she decided that any more tinkering was only going to make them wind up in Timbucktoo so she pressed the button that would start their journey. Ace grinned when the time rotor rose and fell, and leaned over to buss the Professor on the cheek before slipping her hand into his ( ... )


timewill_tell July 30 2008, 00:56:12 UTC
He did know what they said about curiosity, but he'd never much cared for the opinions of others, particularly when they were wrong, and they inevitably were. Still, he'd always enjoyed the chance to surprise Ace, so he had no desire to persist in questioning the nature of this trip, content to allow her to be secretive. Her mention of an 'average human date' raised his eyebrow, but he smirked. Her kiss, however, made him smile softly. He responded in kind, squeezing her hand.

"Well, Ace, as you seem to know precisely what you're doing, I'll let you lead me this time," the Doctor's smile widened.


aces_are_rare July 30 2008, 20:03:45 UTC
"Because you always know what you're doing when you lead the way?" Ace said, teasingly. She looked around to get her bearings, and was well pleased to find that she had landed them on Chaning Court Road, just a few blocks from the theatre. Looping her arm through his she started walking ( ... )


timewill_tell July 30 2008, 22:05:59 UTC
He felt his protest, to assert that he did always know what he was doing when he led the way, would be lost over the din of the crowd, and somewhat unnecessary at this moment in time. Instead, he took in the sights around him, always appreciative of human forms of entertainment and customs, and listen to Ace talk, always eager to hear about her and her life before him. Her question prompted a grin, as the Doctor simultaneously sniffed the air.

"Oh, you hardly need ask, Ace. You know of my penchant for sweets," he winked at her. "Choose something delightful, whatever you'd like. I'll buy."


aces_are_rare August 18 2008, 23:22:17 UTC
She might have protested that this was her date and she'd pay, but money didn't mean anything between them. In fact she'd never seen fit to question why they always seemed to have enough to pay for what ever they might need, but no more. It didn't matter.

"Two doughnuts, extra sugar," she told the vendor, a rather wide man with white hair and a beard, the sort that small children might confuse for Santa Claus. The pasties, wrapped in tissue paper, were still warm.

"Don't forget to save room for popcorn," she teased as she handed one of the sweets to the Professor, after he had finished paying.


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 00:55:06 UTC
The Doctor held the doughnut close to his face so that he could savour the smell for a few moments before he took a hearty bite, immensely pleased with the taste filling his mouth. With his mouth too full to speak at the moment, he simply moaned and mumbled his satisfaction, smiling a powdery smile as he worked in swallowing the bite.

At last, he questioned, "And what film will we be viewing today?"


aces_are_rare August 19 2008, 19:02:52 UTC
"One of the bril things about the Prince Charlie is that they show old movies and cult classics, rather then the newest thing." Ace spoke slowly, licking sugar off of her fingers between words.

"I thought about Rocky Horror." It would have been fun to see if she could get him to dance the Time Warp. "But opted for something a little quieter."

As they walked towards the theatre they could make out the writing on the posters that lined the exterior wall. Using the hand that still held half a doughnut Ace pointed to the first poster, and grinned.

... )


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 20:18:02 UTC
A slow grin, matching Ace's, formed on the Doctor's face. He brushed the excess sugar from his fingers and patted his pockets absently. He couldn't even recall the last time he'd seen a film of any sort, and one of the earlier products of human cinematic ingenuity seemed perfect for a day like this.

"Ah, a frightening little tale of the darker side to existence," his grin widened as he continued, "with intrigue and thrills and a few solid scares. Perfect choice, Ace. When was the last time we watched a film together, anyway? If it's that hard for me to recall, it must've been quite some time ago."


aces_are_rare August 19 2008, 20:32:28 UTC
"2021," she answered. Ace finished the last of her doughnut in a couple of bites and licked the sugar from her mouth, using her finger to brush away the bits she couldn't reach.

"Just before Hex joined us. We were working days at St Garts, and had our evenings free." She had been bored with a week of pretending to be a normal office worker, spending her days combing the computers for information about xenotech, and had talked him into going to see a show. It had been a comedy then, starring some bloke that probably wasn't even born yet. A few years ago, relative time.

"Have you seen this version, then?" Not that it mattered, really, when it came to a classic like Dracula. Plus she wasn't really planning on letting him watch much of the movie. With her arm looped through his she walked up to the ticket booth and asked for two seats.


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 21:21:49 UTC
"Ah, yes, I remember. Those were charming little...well, I suppose we could call them dates, couldn't we? Though we certainly wouldn't have then," he almost chuckled as he said it, thinking of how desperately fearful he'd been to admit to anything back then. His thoughts had been clear to him for quite some time, but he would've kept them hidden rather than risk losing her completely.

"I have seen this version before. In fact, I attended opening night with Bela Lugosi himself--charming man," the Doctor added, almost whimsical. "We should try Phantom of the Opera sometime, don't you think? Perhaps a nice night at the theatre for that one, dressed to the nines."

He pulled her closer, reaching his free arm around to tap her nose.


aces_are_rare August 20 2008, 01:28:12 UTC
"You can't retroactively call them dates, Professor." She might have stopped there, but a playful little devil sat on her shoulder and she leaned in a little closer to his ear. "Something like dating foreplay, maybe."

She stopped him just inside the lobby and gave him a kiss. Nothing that would raise the eyebrows of their fellow movie goers - not right now, at least - but just a gentle touch of lip to lip. Might be fun, to go to a premire. dressing up had pretty good results, the last time I did it."


timewill_tell August 20 2008, 17:38:43 UTC
He ducked his head slyly for a moment, an almost mischievous grin crossing his face while he blushed ever so slightly. He recalled with vivid detail what had occurred the last time they both dressed up, and it was enough to make him supremely flushed. The Doctor coughed in an attempt to feign normalcy and clear his thoughts.

"You do have quite the way with words at times, Ace. Dating foreplay? I suppose it makes an odd degree of sense. Well, should we get a bit of popcorn before we wander inside to take our seats?"

Any good film seemed to need a bag of popcorn to accompany it, he thought.


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