Open Hearts and Dark Theatres [RP for aces_are_rare]

Jul 29, 2008 03:07

It had been four days since their first 'date,' and the Doctor still found most of his thoughts focused on what had transpired between them. It was a curious thing, really; he'd loved her for so long, silently, and had nearly accepted the fact that it would remain that way. Now, however, he found himself grateful for the feeling of liberation it ( Read more... )

roleplay: with ace

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aces_are_rare July 30 2008, 20:03:45 UTC
"Because you always know what you're doing when you lead the way?" Ace said, teasingly. She looked around to get her bearings, and was well pleased to find that she had landed them on Chaning Court Road, just a few blocks from the theatre. Looping her arm through his she started walking.

The area was bustling with life, from the naive tourists with their maps and cameras to the artists drawing quick sketches for a fiver to the business men calmly waving for cabs. When they passed a saxophonist on one street corner Ace reached into her pocket and tossed a few crumpled notes into the open case before him.

"We used to skive off and come down here, when I was a teenager," she commented when she saw the glowing sign for the Leicester Square tube station. "Forty-five minutes and one transfer station and we could be away from Perivale for a whole day. Longer, sometimes, if we found someone local to crash with. The Prince Charlie was a different sort of theatre back then - strictly over eighteen, and they carded - but there were a million other things to do here. Plus there are so many tourists that the truant officers stay away from here."

The place was cleaner then she remembered, but other then that little had changed. The air smelled of fried dough, thanks to the vendors on almost every corner. Even though the sun was just beginning to set there was neon lighting blazing everywhere, and at the end of the square a large marque hung above the Prince Charles Cinema. It proudly proclaimed "sod the sunshine, come in and sit in the dark." Ace laughed

"Care for sommit deep fried and horribly bad for you, Professor?" she asked as they passed a cart selling doughnuts, fried mars bars, twinkies, and pickles.


timewill_tell July 30 2008, 22:05:59 UTC
He felt his protest, to assert that he did always know what he was doing when he led the way, would be lost over the din of the crowd, and somewhat unnecessary at this moment in time. Instead, he took in the sights around him, always appreciative of human forms of entertainment and customs, and listen to Ace talk, always eager to hear about her and her life before him. Her question prompted a grin, as the Doctor simultaneously sniffed the air.

"Oh, you hardly need ask, Ace. You know of my penchant for sweets," he winked at her. "Choose something delightful, whatever you'd like. I'll buy."


aces_are_rare August 18 2008, 23:22:17 UTC
She might have protested that this was her date and she'd pay, but money didn't mean anything between them. In fact she'd never seen fit to question why they always seemed to have enough to pay for what ever they might need, but no more. It didn't matter.

"Two doughnuts, extra sugar," she told the vendor, a rather wide man with white hair and a beard, the sort that small children might confuse for Santa Claus. The pasties, wrapped in tissue paper, were still warm.

"Don't forget to save room for popcorn," she teased as she handed one of the sweets to the Professor, after he had finished paying.


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 00:55:06 UTC
The Doctor held the doughnut close to his face so that he could savour the smell for a few moments before he took a hearty bite, immensely pleased with the taste filling his mouth. With his mouth too full to speak at the moment, he simply moaned and mumbled his satisfaction, smiling a powdery smile as he worked in swallowing the bite.

At last, he questioned, "And what film will we be viewing today?"


aces_are_rare August 19 2008, 19:02:52 UTC
"One of the bril things about the Prince Charlie is that they show old movies and cult classics, rather then the newest thing." Ace spoke slowly, licking sugar off of her fingers between words.

"I thought about Rocky Horror." It would have been fun to see if she could get him to dance the Time Warp. "But opted for something a little quieter."

As they walked towards the theatre they could make out the writing on the posters that lined the exterior wall. Using the hand that still held half a doughnut Ace pointed to the first poster, and grinned.


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 20:18:02 UTC
A slow grin, matching Ace's, formed on the Doctor's face. He brushed the excess sugar from his fingers and patted his pockets absently. He couldn't even recall the last time he'd seen a film of any sort, and one of the earlier products of human cinematic ingenuity seemed perfect for a day like this.

"Ah, a frightening little tale of the darker side to existence," his grin widened as he continued, "with intrigue and thrills and a few solid scares. Perfect choice, Ace. When was the last time we watched a film together, anyway? If it's that hard for me to recall, it must've been quite some time ago."


aces_are_rare August 19 2008, 20:32:28 UTC
"2021," she answered. Ace finished the last of her doughnut in a couple of bites and licked the sugar from her mouth, using her finger to brush away the bits she couldn't reach.

"Just before Hex joined us. We were working days at St Garts, and had our evenings free." She had been bored with a week of pretending to be a normal office worker, spending her days combing the computers for information about xenotech, and had talked him into going to see a show. It had been a comedy then, starring some bloke that probably wasn't even born yet. A few years ago, relative time.

"Have you seen this version, then?" Not that it mattered, really, when it came to a classic like Dracula. Plus she wasn't really planning on letting him watch much of the movie. With her arm looped through his she walked up to the ticket booth and asked for two seats.


timewill_tell August 19 2008, 21:21:49 UTC
"Ah, yes, I remember. Those were charming little...well, I suppose we could call them dates, couldn't we? Though we certainly wouldn't have then," he almost chuckled as he said it, thinking of how desperately fearful he'd been to admit to anything back then. His thoughts had been clear to him for quite some time, but he would've kept them hidden rather than risk losing her completely.

"I have seen this version before. In fact, I attended opening night with Bela Lugosi himself--charming man," the Doctor added, almost whimsical. "We should try Phantom of the Opera sometime, don't you think? Perhaps a nice night at the theatre for that one, dressed to the nines."

He pulled her closer, reaching his free arm around to tap her nose.


aces_are_rare August 20 2008, 01:28:12 UTC
"You can't retroactively call them dates, Professor." She might have stopped there, but a playful little devil sat on her shoulder and she leaned in a little closer to his ear. "Something like dating foreplay, maybe."

She stopped him just inside the lobby and gave him a kiss. Nothing that would raise the eyebrows of their fellow movie goers - not right now, at least - but just a gentle touch of lip to lip. Might be fun, to go to a premire. dressing up had pretty good results, the last time I did it."


timewill_tell August 20 2008, 17:38:43 UTC
He ducked his head slyly for a moment, an almost mischievous grin crossing his face while he blushed ever so slightly. He recalled with vivid detail what had occurred the last time they both dressed up, and it was enough to make him supremely flushed. The Doctor coughed in an attempt to feign normalcy and clear his thoughts.

"You do have quite the way with words at times, Ace. Dating foreplay? I suppose it makes an odd degree of sense. Well, should we get a bit of popcorn before we wander inside to take our seats?"

Any good film seemed to need a bag of popcorn to accompany it, he thought.


aces_are_rare August 21 2008, 20:03:27 UTC
"I call 'em like I see 'em." Ace was amused to see the Professor's face tinted with red, and couldn't help grinning. She knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Popcorn would be bril. The big bag, with extra butter of course; there's nothing quite like movie theatre popcorn." She breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar and comforting smells of butter and salt, stale popcorn and slightly musty curtains, liquorice and chocolate. A thousand memories flickered through her mind, all happy. Movies were an escape, growing up. Nothing bad ever happened at the theatre.


timewill_tell August 22 2008, 19:11:34 UTC
The Doctor paid with ease, taking the bag to allow Ace to lead him. He was surprised to realize that he couldn't recall ever eating popcorn. He hadn't been to many films or theatres on Earth, but there had been a few rare occasions in his past when he'd had the opportunity, and yet he'd never eaten popcorn. It amused him and excited him, and he relished the smell of it.

Conversationally, he decided to inform Ace of his revelation, "You know, I've never had popcorn before. Is it popular with humans?"

As soon as he'd asked the question, he took a moment to glance around, noting the other couples with their bags and even tubs of popcorn.

"I suppose it is," he smiled. "A standard snack indulged in at films, apparently. Well, Ace, do pick us some good seats, won't you?"


aces_are_rare August 22 2008, 22:28:33 UTC
"It's part of the whole movie experience. It's not just about the eating, but the throwing at the screen if it's a bad movie, or at annoying people. And then there's the whole touch aspect; if you time it just right you can brush your hand against the other persons in an accidentally on purpose sort of way. Important, especially for early dates." Ace smiled and took a handful of the popcorn, eating all but one piece. That she flicked at the Professor's nose, to demonstrate.

As they walked through the double doors into the single theatre Ace was relieved to find that the few people who were already inside had chosen to sit in the middle rows. No one had yet claimed the back corner seats. She took the Professor's hand and led him to the left side. "This one right here will do."


timewill_tell August 23 2008, 04:02:08 UTC
He was being led, and couldn't very well pause; not without startling Ace, anyway. But he couldn't help noticing the design of the seats she was leading him to. Before he took his seat, he stood there a moment, a knowing smile on his face, but said nothing. He suspected these particular seats were vital to executing the "making a move" technique Ace had previously spoken of.

Finally, he took his seat, putting the bag of popcorn between them and swallowing a few bites of it. The texture was a bit strange, but it had a pleasant taste.

"I quite like this popcorn," the Doctor spoke, popping another kernel into his mouth.

The lights began to dim, and he settled back comfortably against the seat, eager to enjoy a film in a theatre like this. Though he supposed it was the company, more than anything, that made the experience most enjoyable.


aces_are_rare August 30 2008, 04:20:43 UTC
There was something about movie theatres, the moment before the movie began but after the lights had dimmed. Perhaps it was simply the anticipation of what was to come, or the memories of her childhood, but the moment always sent a shiver down her spine. Magical, if she believed in magic, which she didn't. At least, not most of the time.

Ace leaned back in the double seat, bare inches separating her from the Professor. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and grinned when he tossed another piece of popcorn into his mouth. There were times when she almost forgot he was not human, and centuries old. Times like this, when he looked almost boyish, playing with popcorn, looking expectantly at the screen. She reached over and played with one of te curls that was sticking out just behind one ear.

There were only a few other people in the theatre, and they all grew silent as the credits began to roll. Ace reached for the bucket of popcorn, her fingers touching the Professors almost accidentialy as she picked up a piece.


timewill_tell September 8 2008, 22:35:16 UTC
The Doctor smiled softly as he felt Ace's fingers brush delicately against his; he smiled more for the sensation than anything else, because as he looked at her, it didn't appear as though she had done it on purpose. Then again, much of this entire situation was suspect, though he wasn't about to say anything, lest he ruin whatever Ace had planned. He didn't know what she had planned, only that she had something planned, something more than just an innocent film viewing. He smiled wider at the thought, almost relishing the playfulness of the moment.

Trying to be subtle, he reached for another kernel of popcorn and deliberately brushed his fingers against hers, though not too forcefully. When he popped the kernel into his mouth, he reached out to brush at a strand of her hair, pushing it away from her eyes.


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