Feb 18, 2009 20:32

*waves tentatively* Sorry for just sort of...disappearing. I feel especially bad for being out of the loop on all the wonderful fic you all have been churning out, which I am sorely behind on. I've started going through individual journals, but it will take some time. So, anyway, expect some extremely belated comments to start randomly popping up on months-old stuff.

I want to RP far more steadily with Seven again; I disappeared from it for a bit mostly because I've just been busy with real life stuff, and that takes priority, yet I also feel like I'd rather not just RP casually/half-assed when I know I can't devote due time and attention to it. But, like I said, I'm anxious to get back into the swing of it soon, along with prompt writing.

If anyone is feeling particularly benevolent, would you mind prodding/poking/prompting me on some fic ideas? Or if anyone just wants to do a bit of RP'ing, or lob produce at me, etc.

Also, I'm so glad I got to meet up with some of you at Gallifrey, and I hope to see more of you there next year! :D

the mun is unhinged, ooc

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