here be fiction

Jan 17, 2019 22:40

Ah, but what if it does ♥'>inception.
» Don't Think About Cuddling (Arthur/Eames, PG)
"Life's too short to have a face like a smacked arse all the time."

doctor who.
» Maybe We Forgot, Are We Awake or Not? (Amy Pond/Eleven, PG 13)
"You did something," Amy said to the Doctor, stood the other side of the console, almost using it as a barrier between them. "You did something to make me hate you."

» And I Still See You In Every Sunflower (Amy Pond/Eleventh Doctor, PG)
Everything about Amy doesn't make sense to him, but everything about this moment does.

» So Long, Lonesome (Eleven/River, G)
"You did that on purpose." The Doctor frowned. "Fez hater," he scolded her fondly.

» Jeff's Mysterious Friend (Amy/Rory, PG)
"No more talking." She placed her finger over his lips. "You numpty," she said with uttermost affection.

» Dog Bites And Love Bites (Bradley James/Colin Morgan, PG 13)
He can't remember much about being bitten. It all happened so fast. All he remembers is barking and pain and looking down and seeing a set of teeth in his leg and thinking that's not in the script and screaming "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Then he'd fainted at the sight of his own blood.

» Five Things Colin Learns While Filming Merlin (Bradley/Colin, PG)
"MY ARSE IS ALL OVER THE INTERNET!" Bradley yells for all of France to hear.

» Spiders Can Play Cupid Too (Bradley/Colin, PG)
All men think with their penises, and Colin Morgan is no exception.

» Stuck On You (Bradley/Colin, PG 13)
The first thing Colin notices about Bradley the first time he meets him is his silver thumb ring.

» Winning isn't everything (if Colin Morgan is the consolation prize) (Bradley/Colin, PG)
"Merlin's here," a voice says darkly by Bradley's side, making him jump out of his skin. Colin holds out his hand the way Merlin does, his stare menacing. "Give him back his ball before I set you on fire."

» Hey, Who Turned Out The Lights? (Bradley/Colin, PG-13)
Put a video camera in Bradley's hands and he thinks he's sodding Spielberg.

» Money Well Spent (Bradley/Colin, PG)
Bradley buys Merlin's scarf on eBay.

» Did You Hear About The Morgans? (Bradley/Colin, PG)
Mrs Morgan phones her son, demanding to know when Colin and Bradley eloped.

» The Only Exception (Bradley/Colin, PG)
Colin wasn't going to do anything stupid to jeopardize their friendship. After all, it was a bromance. Not a bromance with benefits.

» The Elephant in the Room (Matt Smith/Karen Gillan, PG 13)
It all started with that damn kiss scene.

» Home Is Where The Prat Is (Arthur/Merlin, R)
"Merlin, stop smacking your lips. It’s annoying." It’s annoying because whenever Merlin does it, Arthur looks over, stares at his mouth, and gets the urge to kiss him.

» Cutting In (Jack/Ianto, PG)
After Mervin, Minister of Sound, got devoured by a carnivorous alien shape-shifter, the wedding was missing a DJ. And guess who’d been lumbered with the job? Ianto, who frankly had better things to do like eat wedding cake or exchange drunken champagne kisses with Jack tucked away in an unlit corner.

» Belonging (Jack/Ianto, PG)
Jack bent down and picked up the blood red rose petal between his fore and middle finger.

» Honouring The Dead (Jack/Ianto, PG)
Jack clasps his hands together and answers simply, “Lisa.”

» My Waistcoat, My Rules (Jack/Ianto, PG)
It was common knowledge Jack was a man young at heart, but perhaps bringing Ianto to a children's park one quiet afternoon (in terms of rift activity) had not been one of his best ideas to spend their time off.

» You're a Keeper (Jack/Ianto, PG)
Ianto likes things that run like clockwork, so it’s only natural he likes lighthouses.

» This Is No Place For The Ambassador For Wales To Have Sex (Jack/Ianto, PG)
"Were you born in a barn?" Ianto asked breathlessly. "Close the door, you exhibitionist."

» Ambassador For Wales Seeks New Personal Assistant (Jack/Ianto, PG)
"Yup." Ianto strolled forwards with his hands in his trousers pockets. "We slave away for hours yet the workload only seems to swell." He smirked as he brushed past Jack. "Amongst other things."

» Brain Freeze (Jack/Ianto, PG)
"You've been electrocuted, shot, and tortured," Ianto ticked off his fingers, "but you can't handle a little brain freeze?"

harry potter.
» Here Comes The Sun (James/Lily, PG)
Godric’s Hollow finally sleeps.

» Our Son (James/Lily, PG)
“You are not dressing Harry as a Puffskein, Lily.”

» Until The Very End (James/Lily, PG)
He wishes his eyes were deceiving him - but the Map never lies.

» In Your Shoes (James/Lily, PG)
Later that evening, James asked Remus where he’d gone wrong. O wise one had replied in that o wise tone of his, “Asking her out so publicly was not particularly wise,” and James could see where he was wisely coming from.

» Arrival (James/Lily, PG)
After the arrival of Harry, it’s not long before James realizes something: he is not the center of attention anymore. And, frankly, this irks him just the teensiest bit.

» London Bridge (James/Lily, PG)
For every person there is a secret place they like to escape to: a park, a bedroom, a backyard, a café, a dream. James thinks big. He chooses London Bridge.

» The Biscuit Tin (James/Lily, PG)
“What in Merlin's name is a rabbit doing in here?”

» Dear Padfoot, Thank You, Thank You (James/Lily, PG)
Lily let out a gasp, whilst Harry stuck his thumb in his mouth and stared innocently at his parents.

» I Still Remember (James/Lily, PG)
“See those?” He points at her veins showing faintly. “Magic runs through them. Isn’t that exciting when you think about it?”

» The Stag And The Doe (James/Lily, PG)
She would think of trapeze artists from the circus her family visited every year (“They’re such freaks!” Petunia would always gasp), and she would launch herself off the swing and into the air like an acrobat and fly, as though invisible wings had sprouted from her back, touching the ground afterwards like a cat landing gracefully on their feet.

» Roundabout Kisses (James/Lily, PG)
“Lily, for goodness' sake, it’s the bloody milkman!”

» Mirror Messages (James/Lily, PG)
“When we get a house together,” James tells Lily, “we shouldn’t get separate bathrooms.”

» The Art Of Cookery (James/Lily, PG)
“If I go back in there,” Sirius whispered to James in the hall, “and find Moony on the kitchen floor bleeding to death and missing a hand, and your crazy wife standing over him with a bread knife, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

» Somebody's Waiting For Me At Home (James/Lily, PG)
War was like the ‘other woman’ in James and Lily’s relationship.

» Face The Music (James/Lily, PG)
Cordially? When has her sister ever felt like warmly inviting her anywhere besides a pit of knives beyond a sign saying, ‘FREAKS, FALL IN HERE’?

» Je T'aime (Teddy/Victoire, PG)
The curtains were shut, but he could distinctly make out Victoire’s silhouette. Even her damn silhouette was exquisite.

» As One Story Ends, Another Begins (Teddy/Victoire, PG))
"Gross," Dominique commented on Victoire's lovey-dovey eyes at Teddy from afar.

» Five Times Cedric Was Scared Witless (Cedric/Cho, PG))
Dragons - beasts that breathed fire like drawn-out sighs and protected precious princesses in castle turrets. The only time he’d ever come across one was on the bloody Welsh flag, and people actually expected him to get past a real one unscathed?

» A Mix Of Chemicals And Fear (Remus/Sirius, PG))
Remus remembers the very first book he was given by his father, which he read entirely on his own in just one night under his bed sheet by torchlight: Peter Pan.

» Monster Boy (Remus/Sirius, PG)
“Everything is going to be fine.” Mr. Lupin has never looked surer about anything in his life. He shoots a consoling smile to his little boy. “Trust me.” He sticks out his hand firmly. “Take my hand, Remus.”

» Safety First (Remus/Sirius, PG)
"Morning!" Lily said happily to Remus, then her eyes land on the naked man awkwardly holding a plate over his genitals. "I didn't know you were capable of getting it up--I mean, getting up this early, Sirius," she amended, blushing.

masterlist, fanfic

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