Okay, I'm in a kind of icon fever, so here you go with my 2nd icon tutorial :) It's kind of...yeah, I don't know...more difficult than the first but I like it.
Helloooo :D So, second tutorial. It's a bit longer so don't worry. Okay, you got your base.
Duplicate it and then you sharpen it. Filters -> Sharpen -> Sharpen. Then you set the opacity to 55%, so your icon won't be that sharpend :)
Open a new layer and fill it with #0a260f, set it to Exclusion at 100%.
Okay, duplicate your base and set it to the top on Soft light at 18%, so it gets a bit of contrast :D OR: You set it to screen, if your pictures too dark.
Create a new Selective Colouring Layer. Uh, yeah, that'll be fun, I suppose :P Fill in these settings:
reds -100; 10; 44; 0
yellows -53; 35; 43; 0
magentas -100; 78; 89; 0
whites 69; -60; -43; 0
neutrals -6; 13; 22; -5
Okay, one more :D Fill in:
reds -11; 11; 15; 0
yellows 40; 6; -39; 0
greens -100; 95; -100; 0
whites -26; 33; 0; 0
neutrals 12; 4; -4; -10
Okay it looks a bit weird right now, but we'll fix it soon :) Create a new color balance layer. Fill in these following settings:
midtones -5: -1; -1
shadows -7; -10; -7
highlights -14; 7; 0
Now it looks a bit better, but we still have to fix some things! :D Selective Colour, again. Fill in:
reds -27; 23; 15; 0
whites 0; 62; 0; 0
neutrals 9; 6; 5; 0
And now; I think it's the most important of all:; Curves! :)
first input: 93 output: 87
second point: input: 140 output: 141
third point: input: 214 output: 214
first input: 76 output: 83
second point: input: 147 output: 140
third point: input: 209 output: 209
first input: 79 output: 83
second point: input: 140 output: 149
third point: input: 199 output: 206
first input: 58 output: 58
second point: input: 94 output: 106
third point: input: 134 output: 146
fourth point: input: 190 output: 197
Okay, we got the most. So, a new Channel Mixer -layer ;(
red: 92
green: -16
blue: -4
constants (?) (it's the point at the end of the window): -4
red: 8
green: 92
constants: 2
red: 6
green: -8
blue: 102
constants: 0
LAST POINT! A last selective colouring layer.
reds -97; 21; 14; 5
yellows 16; -9; -22; 0
greens 3; 0; 0; 0
cyans 26; 5; 26; 0
magentas -3; 0; 0; 0
whites 64; 12; 3; 0
I know, it's kinda long and difficult, but I like the result. :) And: I regulary don't upload .psd files, because then it'd be senseless to write a tutorial. But this tut is kinda difficult so you can download it
here. If you use the .psd file, a credit would be appreciated. ALSO: I really like comments if you used/liked it or you took the .psd file. It's not a must, but I'd be happy about every comment.
Other examples made with the same colouring: