Why Don't I Tell You?

Jun 30, 2014 22:02

Title: Why Don't I Tell You?
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1253
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for cotton_candy_bingo prompt "Love Yourself"
Author's Note: This is a sequel to Have You Done This Before? but works as a stand alone.
Warning: Pure Smut. (Again, what did you expect from this prompt? I did try two other none-smutty versions of this, but it just wasn't working.)
Author's Note 2:  Fic number Twenty Five! Another completed bingo!!

Other parts in this series: Heaven Scent, All I Want Is A Long Hot Shower, Have You Done This Before, Why Don't I Tell You?

Huge thanks to everyone who has read and commented on my bingo fics. Thank you all for your support - I couldn't have done it without you!

“So, why did you have condoms and lube in your bedside cabinet?” Jack asked with a grin.
Ianto blushed. Jack couldn’t have failed to notice that the both the box of condoms and the bottle of lubricant had obviously been opened.
“I mean, I’m glad you did, but…?” Jack left the statement hanging in the air as he traced his fingers through the hair on his lover’s chest.
“You just never know when to be quiet, do you Jack?” Ianto asked, turning in the bed so that he was spooned against Jack, his back pressed to the Captain’s chest. Jack instinctively wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of his head.
“There’s no need to act all embarrassed Ianto. After what we did last night, you certainly shouldn’t feel embarrassed by talking about it.”
“I’m not embarrassed,” Ianto mumbled, “just, some things are private.”
Jack licked the shell of Ianto’s ear, “well, if you’re not going to tell me, why don’t I tell you how I think it happened?” he nibbled gently on Ianto’s earlobe and the younger man hummed his approval.

“I think,” Jack whispered, “that when you fell asleep at night you began to dream.” He kissed the spot right behind Ianto’s ear. “You dreamt about work, nothing unusual about that. All the best business decisions are made at three in the morning when someone has a eureka moment and wakes up with the answer.” Jack moved his kisses to the back of Ianto’s neck. “But you didn’t just dream about work did you? You started to dream about your colleagues, in particular your dashing Captain.” Ianto chuckled and Jack laughed along with him.

“You started to think about my touch on your body. My skilled hands know just where to touch you to make you feel sooo good.” He illustrated his point by gently trailing his hand down Ianto’s side and resting it on his hip, thumb rubbing across the bone. Ianto moaned.
“Your body would betray you and you’d wake up with the evidence of your lust growing between your legs.” Jack’s fingers danced on Ianto’s hip and the Welshman’s breath quickened anticipating the Captain’s touch where he wanted it most, but it never came - Jack kept his hand on Ianto’s hip. “You’d lay in bed, willing it to go away but it wouldn’t and you’d have to take yourself in hand either right here in this bed or in the shower after you discover that turning the water temperature down did nothing to calm your ardour.”

Ianto squirmed and Jack gently bit into the pulse point where his neck met his shoulder.
“But it wasn’t enough, was it? You craved more. You wanted to know what it would feel like to be breached by another man. To have me buried balls deep inside you.” As he said this, Jack tightened his grip on Ianto’s hip and pulled him backwards so that he could feel the bulge of his Captain’s cock against his gorgeous arse.
“Jack…” Ianto let out a strangled moan.

But Jack wasn’t finished with him yet. He licked a stripe up Ianto’s neck, making the younger man shudder. Jack whispered in his ear, “so you went to the chemist and you bought yourself some lube and condoms. I’ll bet you blushed adorably as you paid the pretty young shop assistant.” Ianto’s face flushed pink, “just like that,” Jack commented.

“Did you use them as soon as you got home?” Jack asked, trailing his hand across Ianto’s flat stomach, feeling the muscles there quiver, “or did you wait until that night, or even wait a couple of days to build up your nerve, wait until you couldn’t stand it any longer?” Jack’s wandering hand found his lover’s nipple and gave a gentle pinch making Ianto moan.
“I think you waited a little while,” Jack continued, “until you couldn’t resist any longer and your cock was hard and leaking without you even touching it, just at the thought of what you were about to do.”

Jack kissed Ianto’s neck right where it met his shoulder and drew up a love bite, the reddish purple standing out against the pale skin. “You would have done it right here in this bed, but you wouldn’t have wanted to stain the sheets with the lube so I bet you spread out one of your fluffy bath towels and lay on that.” He licked and kissed at the mark he had made on Ianto’s neck. “So you’d be here, naked, maybe propped up comfortably against the headboard, knees raised, feet a comfortable width apart.”
Jack sucked on Ianto’s earlobe, then spoke softly, directly into his ear, the warm breath making Ianto shiver. “You’d start by stroking yourself. You’d trail one finger gently all the way from base to tip then you’d wrap your fingers around yourself and move them slowly up and down your shaft until you were at full hardness.”
Jack’s hand stroked across Ianto’s chest, finding his nipples, making him moan.
“Then you would reach for the lube and drizzle a small amount over the tip of your cock, spreading it over your shaft as you pumped it up and down. The sensation would be amazing and you would wonder why you had never used a lubricant before.”

Jack licked around the shell of Ianto’s ear. “You wouldn’t want to finish yet so you’d keep it slow, just pumping up and down, adding a bit more lube every now and then. When you don’t think you can take any more, you’d stop.” Jack paused for effect, “then you’d squirt more lube into your hands and spread it around your fingers. One hand would go back to your cock, the other would dip lower, trailing across your perineum until you found your prize.

Slowly, tentatively, you’d circle around your hole. When you had relaxed enough you would gradually push one finger in.” Jack licked inside Ianto’s ear, “first knuckle… second knuckle… all the way in. It feels odd, full but not unpleasant.” Jack’s hand moved lower, ghosting down Ianto’s sides to rest on his hips. “Then you’d start to move. Your finger going in and out, in and out, in time with your other hand which is slowly pumping your cock.” Jack kissed the sensitive spot behind Ianto’s ear.
“Then, when you were ready, you would add a bit more lubricant to your hand and slowly, oh so slowly, add another finger.” Jack kissed his way down Ianto’s neck. Ianto was breathing hard now, resisting the urge to grip his own cock.

“And then, when you had both fingers fully seated inside you, you would start to move them pulling them out and pushing them back in, twisting and scissoring as you went.” Jack licked Ianto’s neck and tightened his grip on his hips, “and then, then you would brush against that magic button inside of you and you would see stars. Your hand on your cock would involuntarily stutter and grip tighter and you would come, your orgasm taking you by surprise.”
As he spoke, Jack bit down on Ianto’s neck where it met his shoulder and pulled his hips back towards his own body so that Ianto could feel the Captain’s rock hard cock pressed up against his arse cheeks. Jack dropped his hand from Ianto’s hips and moved around to fondle his balls and the young man shuddered and cried out, streams of hot pearly white liquid coating his chest without his Captain even touching him.

nc-17, tw_fic, cotton_candy_bingo, ianto_jones, jack_harkness

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