The Stranger (Part 1)

Nov 30, 2013 19:49

Title: The Stranger (Part 1)
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #300 - Curtain and Purple prompts
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them


Rhys cheerily waved goodbye to the shop keeper, Gwen’s birthday present sorted -a gorgeous diamond and deep purple amethyst necklace.

Opening the door he saw a familiar figure at the end of the street, and was about to run to her when a tall man in a long coat swept out of the pub doorway after her and took her arm.

Rhys ducked back inside and peered out of the window in the manner of a nosy neighbour peeking through the curtains.

He watched as Gwen laughed at something the man said, leaning into him walking together down the street.

tw_fic, pg, rhys_williams, gwen_cooper, jack_harkness, drabble

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