Ordeal By Trousers

Jul 09, 2013 22:51

Title: Ordeal By Trousers
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #288 (2) - Reverse Fandom - Last Of The Summer Wine
Rating: R
Words: 100 x 2
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them

Author's Note: The episode title was 'Ordeal By Trousers' (in case  you didn't guess)
Sorry, I cheated again - it's a double drabble, but with a natural break between the first and second hundred words.

Author's Note 2: Many thanks to
badly_knitted who suggested this prompt as a sequel to my last drabble Pleased To See You.

Jack and Ianto apprehended their suspect, took the alien tech, bought the man a drink, then bundled him into a taxi, safe in the knowledge he wouldn’t remember a thing.
Jack turned to Ianto, “How about I take you home and strip you out of those jeans?”
Ianto grinned and put his arms around Jack, pulling him close, rubbing their erections together, “I was hoping we could take advantage of being in the club and dance a while.” He whispered roughly in Jack’s ear, accent thick with arousal and seduction.
Jack groaned, and took Ianto’s hand, following him back inside.


Ianto led Jack to the crowded dance floor and, keeping the Captain at arm’s length, proceeded to give him a show moving seductively in perfect time to the music.
Jack could only stand and stare at the vision before him in tight jeans and snug fitting t-shirt, all thoughts fleeing his brain along with his blood supply…

“Let’s go,” Ianto said into Jack’s ear, taking pity on his lover and pulling him away from the crowd. Knowing Jack couldn’t wait until they got home Ianto pulled him into an alley at the back of the club and knelt before him…

tw_fic, r, ianto_jones, jack_harkness, drabble

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