(In which I write of how this diary came to be and how I was reunited with my father, The Doctor, and his brilliant TARDIS...)
The Very First One Hundred Years of
Time Lord-y Lady Existence of Me
(AKA Jenny, daughter of the Time Lord called The Doctor)
Introduction & Filling in the First Two Years
This diary has been started in the 3rd year of my Time Lord-y existence. I don’t know what better way there is to describe it. My father tells me that Time Lords and Ladies are still considered kids until they are about one hundred and twenty. He says once I’m that age he might allow me to fly the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) on my own. For now he won’t even let me fly it, full stop. “When you’re ten, then you can do it!” he says. Even then apparently it is still very earlier for me to start driving.
He has determined my bodily age between eighteen and twenty (in human years). To a Time Lord that is nothing. If I were a human I’d be able to drink alcohol and stuff, but no. Dad says not under I’m thirty-five. Spoil sport.
I wasn’t born most creatures are - not even Time Lords are born like I was - as I was born of machine on a planet called Messaline in the midst of a war between a species known as human beings (Homo sapiens) and another species known as hath (Homo agnatha). I’m neither of these, apparently. Time Lords and Ladies look like humans (Although dad says that humans look Time Lord) but biologically we are different. We have a bigger cranial capacity, different circulatory system (Two hearts) and other senses that humans don’t have like telepathic ability and sharp reflexes. Moreover it seems we a ‘critically endangered’ species. There are only two of us in the wild universe now.
Dad says that many Time Lords choose their own name. I sort of chose my name too. Donna, who was my father’s travelling companion at the time, got the name from what I was (“a generated anomaly”) and I liked it. So I became known as Jenny.
I won’t go into the details of my birth because it’s all kind of a blur to me. I remember lots of running, finding out that the civilisation I was born into was a lie, finding a terra-forming device and then getting shot by the human general Cobb. Then I died. But I didn’t die - I came back to life a few hours later.
Now I’m still getting to grips with how that is possible but my father said in his normal garbled way that because I was within the first forty-eight human hours of my life my body simply shut-down and healed itself. He said he didn’t think it would work given the unconventional manner I came into the world but evidently he was wrong. After all I’m still alive.
The 1st Year started with me leaving Messaline. I was on the planet for about one Messalinian day, which accounts for twelve human hours. Not very long at all. Hath Gable and Human Cline chased me although the networks towards where the space shuttles were. Then I stole one of the shuttles and left. I know it’s wrong to steal but when I was reunited with father in 3rd Year he said he couldn’t scold me because he stole the TARDIS.
The first planet I visited was a jungle planet. I just landed on the first planet that had an atmosphere breathable to me. Well, I assumed it would be breathable to me because according to the space shuttle said it was breathable to humans. Back on Messaline both father and Donna made it clear that I wasn’t like the humans but I had no trouble breathing the air there. This planet (whose name was Silvam Major) has the freshest air you could possibly imagine. It balanced up my self-healing within just a few hours, which is impressive for a Time Child’s first time-coma.
I never expected to find fauna life on that planet but, lo and beyond there it was! Mind you it wasn’t there on purpose. A shuttle craft that was transporting children from their planet school crashed and left about a dozen survivors. Looking back on it now it reminds me of a book River made me read called ‘Lord of the Flies’. The children were surviving by eating the nutritious sap from the forest.
It turned out that the planet was basically the host of flora life being that was capable of language and everything. I myself spoke to the creature in my mind as that was how it spoke to people. The human brain is not developed enough to hear it but I heard it screaming over and over again each time the children sucked sap from the bark. The bark wasn’t just an ordinary tree but like the arteries of the entire planet. It wasn’t a forest but just one life force, the great tree.
I used the radio signal on my space shuttle to contact the nearest human colony and they rescued the children. It wasn’t exactly a situation where I could use my superior fighting skills or military knowledge to outwit an enemy but I’m quite proud that I managed to save the children, explain the planet and have a protection certificate stamped on the planet for that the great tree would no longer have her ‘blood’ pumped for food. I decided she was a she - it sounded like a female voice in my head. Oddly enough she knew my species name. She called me a child of the Time Lords and that she had heard the planet of Gallifrey burn from across the stars.
I assumed Gallifrey must be where father came from. Turned out it was.
The next planet my navigator took me to was a large city planet with a high population of various earth creatures. However this planet never slept because there was no moon and no night. They didn’t need electricity because the planet was balanced between three distant but hot burning suns. Somehow the planet managed to keep still between them perfectly. It was another tourist attraction, of course. Humans seem to be willing to build holiday resorts ANYWHERE.
They called it the sunshine planet.
Much like Messaline they had an underground bunker to protect them from fatal gamma waves, which apparently happened regularly and could be protected simply by taking shelter. The other reason for it, obviously, was to give people a dark place to go to sleep in. Nonetheless it drove the tourists crazy. Not only were they sleep deprived because their body clocks were say off (and trying to run on a 25 hour days because in the bunker they added an extra out best known to the humans).
The reptiles loved it though. While the humans seemed to slow down in the heat and complain, they are running around, dancing well into the eternal day. It was mad. They took a liking to me and asked me where I came from. I said I wasn’t sure but I was made on Messaline. Being tourists they immediately considered visiting.
While there I met a snotty couple who were both the worst kinds of xenophobic. They took a nice shot of me on the sea front. The waves have to be artificially made by a wave machine - I’m not even sure if the water is original to the planet or whether it was terra-formed. They were one of many parents dragging around teenage children who would rather be somewhere else. Let me listen to a machine that produces music. He called it an iPod.
You wouldn’t believe how boring the 2nd Year was so I’ll just finish off 1st Year:
After I stopped the minions of Thor from stealing human Christmas on Sol 2.2 (which is basically an Earth copy theme park - very strange) I visited the Ood Sphere and stayed there for a lot of the time. I LOVE the Ood!!!
They accepted me into a group known as ‘Friends of the Ood’ and one Ood called Sigma recognised once against that I was not a human but of the Time Race. He showed me his dreams (in which he imagined Gallifrey according to old human writings) and it really helped me understand a little more about my people. So in case you were wondering I stayed in the Ood Sphere with the Ood for the rest of year 1 and protected them from feral humans who wanted to turn them back into slaves.
They said that they were freed by ‘DoctorDonna’ and I knew it was too much to be a coincidence.
Ood Sigma said that my father’s ‘song had ended’ but a new one had begun. My dad is, after all, supposed to have the power of regeneration. So his face had changed. That made me feel sad but Ood Sigma explained that he was still the same person so that settled my mind a bit.
I only have one picture of ‘Original’ dad (although actually it was the Tenth dad) but Ood Sigma and the Ood Elder helped me picture father in my head as he is now, and a scribe made an impression of him thus so:
So, I knew what I was looking for.
As I past my 1st Year I decided it was time to try and find dad. The 61st century was just too small and filled with human-tourists. The humans are like rabbits, living and breeding all over the place. Ood Sigma said that a very wise human woman named River Song said in order to find the Doctor, you need to leave a message to get his attention - but you have to wait in one place.
Ood Sigma said that apparently the Doctor likes to visit museums and very interesting places. That made me feel a bit better, but where do you start? OK, so I decided I was going to leave a message somewhere boring (Like a museum) and wait for him somewhere exciting (Like in the middle of the New-New Roman Empire’s Revolution, when the Sixteenth Empress Constantia took over from the fallen Republic!) I disguised myself as her lady-in-waiting.
Oh, and the message I left?
It was in ‘The Museum’ which is the largest of its kind (a whole planet) that apparently dad visits every fifty years, so he was bound to visit some time after the 61st century he would get there and find my note. I left it on an old 6th century parchment which apparently proved the existence of some human warlord that was important to the people of Central City of New Britannia in the United Alliance of Europa on Earth (oops!)
But it worked because, you know, he found it.
After he got over the initial shock of seeing that I was alive he seemed to go all strange about it. He was no longer the last of the Time race now, and that was a good thing... but now my safety was in his hands. Now he doesn’t want to do anything too dangerous. River said it wouldn’t last long and eventually he would grow to have faith in my ability to look after myself.
The 3rd Year has just got underway and we've been to several different Time Periods on Earth. I admit I'm a little bored with humans and Earth (Although I LOVE that blue sky) -- I want to go and see Ood Sigma and thank him for helping me. In any case for my 3rd Year Birthday my dad got me something to keep me occupied - this diary. We also got a K-9 for the ship. I wasn’t allowed a real puppy and he said K-9 would help me with my Time Lord training...
It’s always a sad thing when your tin-dog knows more than you.
Thus begins my 100 Year Diary. I wonder if I'll be able to keep it. Dad doubts it -- but River says its easier than you think. After she said that Dad told me to write in it every time River escapes from Storm Cage. That should be quite frequent then. :D
Written for the
gijenny Summer Challenge.
Thanks to
sophielou21 for bouncing ideas and helping me with PS skills.
Images belong to
sophielou21 ,
yunhe and
Emma Jane