OOC: Tracking

Jan 01, 2015 00:01

Day 34
Room ??: In which the Doctor is surprised to find he's not in the TARDIS.
Sun Room: In which the Doctor is accosted by Donna, who blames him for everything.
Lunch: In which the Doctor talks with Kenshin and learns a little about the Institute.
Sun Room: In which the Doctor discusses dimensional travel with Marcus.
Room M78: In which the Doctor is rather preoccupied when he meets his roommate.

Night shift: In which...
-The Doctor sets out to look for the TARDIS, but finds Rose instead
-They plan to head for the patients' possessions storage

Day 35
Bus 3: In which the Doctor learns about alchemy on Ed's world, and gets into a disagreement about the possibility of magic.
Doyleton: In which the Doctor plans to look for the TARDIS, but is roped by Donna into getting a manicure instead.
Bus 3: In which the Doctor has a quiet ride back to the Institute.

Night shift: In which...
-The Doctor meets John Connor
-John and the Doctor discuss the Terminators and time travel as they head upstairs

Day 36
Chapel: In which the Doctor speaks with Rose.
Brunch: In which the Doctor meets the Bride.
Library: In which the Doctor peruses the selection of books (no post)
Library: In which the Doctor and Donna have a talk.

Night shift: In which the Doctor meets Kristoph Gavin while looking for the TARDIS

Day 37
Day shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]
M78: In which the Doctor has a quiet dinner

Night shift: In which the Doctor runs into Gin... and the empty child.

Day 38
Breakfast: (no post)
> Bulletin post - Warning about the Empty Child
Library: In which the Doctor meets Grell and talks about travel.
Lunch: In which the Doctor catches up with Marcus, who hears his second heart.
Game Room: In which the Doctor meets Brainiac 5 and time travel is discussed

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 39
Day shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 40
Breakfast: (no post)
Sun Room: (no post)
Lunch: In which the Doctor meets Keman and learns about dragons
Greenhouse: In which the Doctor and Keman continue their discussion
M68: In which the Doctor meets his new roommate, Alex Conklin

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 41
Breakfast: In which the Doctor speaks briefly with Tony Stark
> Bulletin post - Asking after Donna and Rose
Sun Room: In which the Doctor learns that a friend of Brianiac 5's died
Lunch: (no post)
Sun Room: (no post)

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 42
Doyleton: In which the Doctor talks with Yuffie, who is suffering from motion sickness

Night shift: In which the Doctor and Donna are under attack by zombies.

Day 43
Day shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 44
In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor decides to go exploring
- The Doctor meets Abe Sapien
- They run into the Empty Child

Day 45
Breakfast: In which the Doctor and Brainiac 5 discuss paradoxes and Gallifrey
> Bulletin post - To Abe Sapien
Library: In which the Doctor and Donna talk about zombies and Rose
> Bulletin post - Looking for Rose Tyler
Lunch: In which the Doctor meets the young man who'd been talking in math
Sun Room: In which the Doctor 'meets' Keman Calvin, who isn't a dragon

Night shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Day 46
Day shift: In which the Doctor does nothing of note. [Hiatus]

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor discovers his clothes in his closet, and wastes no time in changing
- Meets Michelangelo Falcone, who asks him about "stands"
- Michelangelo gets the wrong impression and attacks the Doctor
- Michelangelo apologizes and admits his name is actually Bruno Bucciarati

Day 47
Breakfast: In which the Doctor and Brainiac 5 discuss computers and discussion
Rec Field: In which the Doctor scouts. (no post)
Lunch: In which the Doctor spends lunch with Keman and a new patient, Arthur Kirkland, mainly discussing the country of England
Sun Room: In which the Doctor meets Justy Ueki Tylor of the Soyokaze
M68: In which the Doctor has a quiet dinner and verifies that his clothes are in his closet again

Night shift: In which Donna blinds the Doctor and steals his specs

Day 48
Breakfast: In which the Doctor meets Shinichi Kudou
Courtyard: In which the Doctor and Yuffie discuss running
Lunch: In which the Doctor has a quiet lunch. (no post)
Men's Showers: In which the Doctor speaks with Arthur again, only to learn that he's actually England

Night shift: In which the Doctor meets up with Yuffie and Donna, only to discover they already know each other

Day 49
Bus 3: In which the Doctor teases England over his clothes and they talk about history and time travel
Morning: In which Brainiac 5 and the Doctor set out on a search for parts
Noon: In which the Doctor meets Sechs, a young android from Tiphares, who agrees to keep an eye out for the TARDIS
Bus: In which the Doctor smuggles stolen goods back to the Institute. (no post)

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor heads out, searching for signs of construction, but meets Dean instead
- They head for the kitchens, but end up in an underground obstacle course instead
- After guiding Dean past the boulders, they land in a storage closet
- They find out about the kennels
- Next stops: staff lounge, staff training area, group therapy 5, and then the kennels again
- They wind up in town, and then... the TARDIS
- They try to find people, but only find Daleks
- Everything goes wrong when the Doctor tries to use the TARDIS to get them safely away

Day 50
Sun Room: In which the Doctor and Brainiac 5 discuss their experiences from last night, and agree to meet to share what they each brought back.
> Bulletin post - Asking after Dean
Brunch: In which the Doctor eats alone, keeping an eye out for Donna (no post)
Sun Room: In which Dean has questions about last night

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor meets up with Donna to tell her about last night
- They move to meet up with Brainiac 5
- Donna and Brainiac 5 don't exactly hit it off
- They test the ring and get teleported
- The Doctor and Brainiac 5 geek over each others' tech

Day 51
Breakfast: In which the Doctor meets Mr H, a transcendental being
Sun Room: In which the Doctor takes some time to draw up the sonic screwdriver schematics for Brainiac 5 (no post)
Lunch: In which the Doctor and Dean discuss the rings and the possible implications of the TARDIS's whereabouts
Sun Room: In which the Doctor meets Recluse, an acquaintance of Marcus, and tries to dodge questions
> Bulletin: Donna's note
> Bulletin: Dean's note

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor heads for Donna's room, only to find her absent
- He heads for Dean's room, where he meets Dr. McCoy
- A rescue mission is mounted, but they run into a certain Weeping Angel on the way

(Tracking from this point forward may be missing shifts)
Day 52
Library: In which the Doctor meets L
Lunch: In which the Doctor checks on Donna to see how she's faring after last night
Game Room: In which the Doctor commiserates with Peter Parker, and then finds out that Brainiac 5 had been another victim last night
M68: In which the Doctor meets Buzz Lightyear, his newest roommate
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor and Castiel realize they're headed towards the same place
- They get shot at on the way, and then meet shadows of themselves in the chapel

Day 53
Breakfast: In which Peter Parker asks after Donna and drills the Doctor about what he does
Sun Room: In which the Doctor checks up on Castiel
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor meets up with Dean
- They plan on getting some supplies, but run into Castiel on the way
- The three of them run into a dead monster on the way to the chapel
- A lot of blood gets tasted
- The Doctor explains Weeping Angels to Castiel

Day 54
Breakfast: In which the Doctor and Brainiac 5 escape the food fight and subsequent gassing
Rec Field -> Sun Room: In which after roll call, Donna confirms exactly what happened in the cafeteria
Lunch: In which the Doctor and England talk about that morning and the nations present
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor leaves after Buzz to meet up with Brainiac 5
- They test Brainiac 5's new 'upgrades'

Day 55
Breakfast: In which the Doctor and Donna discuss their new dog tags
Showers: In which the Doctor and Dean talk about the Weeping Angel
M68: In which the Doctor find his belongings in a metal box instead of the closet
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor spots Brainiac 5 and Peter talking
- Ends up running from a trio of cats with Makunouchi Ippo a moment later

Day 56
Bus 2: In which the Doctor and Andrew Carter talk aliens and other planets
Montain Antiques (Morning): In which the Doctor and Dean browse through antiques
Doyleton (Noon): In which the Doctor chases Peter Parker in order to talk to him about Brainiac 5
Twin Pines (Early Afternoon): In which the Doctor and England chat about the military situation
Bill's Hardware (Late Afternoon): In which the Doctor checks up on Brainiac 5
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...

Day 57
Chapel: In which Donna tells the Doctor that she met Luke Skywalker
Brunch: In which the Doctor meets 'Julia', a young lady who seems rather familiar
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- The Doctor makes up his mind to check out the medical wing and spots Dean on the way

Day 58
Breakfast: In which the Doctor talks to Sechs about the drug trials
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...

Day 59
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...
- Running from scorpions, the Doctor has a near-miss with another patient
- They run to the medical wing together to escape the monsters

Day 60
Breakfast: In which the Doctor says hi to Dean
Sun Room: In which the Doctor and England... [TBC]
M27: TBA
>Bulletin: TBA

Night shift: In which...

tracking, ooc

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