Let's get crazy! Get up and dance! Take a swing! Do your thing!

Mar 22, 2009 05:47

Epic con report is epicly overdue!
And I apologize for this profusely!
But thanks to some high fulooting fuckery involving my dad being a drunken bastard, I have spent the most of this week in tears!

Which I remedied this evening by announcing to him that if he went out the door and came home drunk, he would not get back in said door because I would be locking all the doors and windows until he sobered up!

Thankfully my mother had already left for work at this point so she wasn't there to lay into him for being a aforementioned drunken bastard.

But surprisingly my words must have had some effect because he came home, stone cold sober and went meekly to bed, offering an apologetic brunch in the morning.

Oh and I also got season 5 of Smallville finished, am halfway through season six, did a friending meme, made a new header (elaborated below) and finished my con report!

A productive evening Y/Y?


The Hub 2 Convention Report ~ 13/03/09 - 15/03/09

I had the absolute time of my life at this convention and I'm extremely glad that I went!
zeitheist was the most wonderful con buddy ever, with her putting up with my zaniness and my inability to filter my thoughts from my brain to my mouth! Big hugs for her!
And here is the report of the fun filled frolics that we had!

Friday Morning

Well after I got off the train, I proceeded to aimlessly trek about Northampton because regardless of the fact that I was armed with my dad's SatNav, I failed to find The Ibis.
But later I discovered that I had in fact walked straight past the main entrance because there was scaffolding outside it and no sign that actually alluded to there being a hotel hidden under all that construction! **headdesk**

Anyways, the day improved marginally after that little debacle!
zeitheist found me in the lobby around two and we proceeded to dump our stuff in our room, discover that the Ibis had swindled us into a room with a double bed!
Which is not what we had booked!
But zeitheist sorted it all out and we got moved to the floor above, to a room with twin beds!
Then we trawled about Northampton in a hilarious jaunt, navigating traffic lights and trying in vain to traverse a map, in search for the shopping centre!
And we ended up taking the longest route possible, as we discovered en route back to the hotel!
I doubt we'll be undertaking careers in intrepid exploring anytime soon!


Friday Afternoon/Night

I was extremely pleased with how fast we received our convention packs! Very efficient indeed!
And they came complete with goodies, such as a Harwoods Haulage pin **hums jaunty jingle** and free prints!
Most of which I didn't like so I bought new ones later on in the dealers room! =D

Speaking of the dealers room!
I may have gone slightly mad the second we stepped foot inside of it!
I think my intitial reaction was "HOMGZ SWAG! HOMGZ HEROES! HOMGZ SPN!" etc etc.
I'm extremely surprised that zeitheist didn't throw me a "You'rebatshitcrazy" look and edge away slowly!

The rest of the evening was brilliant!
I fell in love with zeitheist's camera, we watched Kai Owen & GDL play poker and talked and talked and talked, oh and did some more talking!

Also GDL has the most fugly taste in hatwear! Seriously that green thing on his head should be thrown on a fire with mad satanists dancing a tango around it!



Woke up from the most bizarre dream ever, (Involved corn and poles from what I remember, very strange) at the quite respectable time of 7:45am.

With the events of the day starting at around 9:30am-ish, zeitheist and I, toddled down to McDonalds for some breakfast!

First up to bat was the awesome Kai Owen!
I immediately fell in love with the man during my signing because of the following conversation:

Me: "Hi! . . . Oh my god this is so surreal!"
Kai: "Why is this so surreal?"
Me: "Because you're famous!"
Kai: "Psh! I'm not famous!"
Me: "You so are!"

And he replied with a chuckle and said "Thanks lovely!" And WINKED at me!

(Oh and if you haven't caught on yet, this post will mostly be comprised of fangirling, squee, immature eeeping and more squee, if you dislike this please leave through one of the available exits! Thanking you!)

Next was Tom Price, who according to zeitheist, his lovely fluffed up hair made him look just like a baby duck! And I must say, I heartily concur with this statement!

He was downright lovely! Extremely friendly! zeitheist went up first and told him that he was her favourite.
And he stood up and announced to everyone within hearing distance "FAVOURITE! She said I'm her FAVOURITE!"

Then we had a discussion about how sad he thought the film "Marley & Me" (Although I could only attest to how sad the book was) but according to him, the film was worse D=

And he told us he cried buckets!
B'awwww **pets his baby duck head**.

Our next stop was with the gorgeous Soibhan Hewlett whom I'd absolutely been dying to meet just to ask if she was Irish! /o/

And she is!
She's from Co.Cork originally but grew up in London!
And she hasn't been back in years but really wants to go for a holiday sometime!
Anyways I told her that I was from Co.Derry in Ulster up in the good old North of Ireland and she was pleasantly pleased and surprised that I had come over especially for the con!

Then we discussed how lovely the south of Ireland is and how the north is just the universe's dumping ground for rain, but apparently according to Soibhan, Co.Clare (In the south) gets an unbelievable amount of rain!

Anywho, now the pièce de résistance of the morning: The much anticipated Eve Myles photoshoot!

(Also if you know me you should know in my book, Eve Myles = Royalty!)

She was absolutely awesomely epicly and extremely lovely!
She went "Hello gorgeous!" when I came in and I responded with "Oh my god, this is so awesome!", which she giggled at!
Then as I was going to leave she pulled me back and said "You smell just like cocoa butter! It's gorgeous!".
I tittered and twittered, completely chuffed to bits and practically skipped out of the photo studio!

Now one thing that cannot be said about Mister Matt Rippy is that he's shy! Because he is oh so not! He was such a chatterbox!
As he was signing my autograph he told me that he loved my name (Sarah-Louise, incase some of you didn't know :P) because it was hyphenated!

Then some woman decided to jump into the conversation, I think we were discussing singing or something and she felt this compelling need to butt in!
I don't want to sound completely petty and bitchy but come on, shit like that is not on!
Half my conversation was taken up by her and zeitheist didn't even get to talk to him!
In my opinion it was just pure greed on that fan's part, nothing more than greed!

[end of rant].

Sometime between the autographs and Eve's photoshoot, I treated myself to some Heroes swag in the dealers room!
A "Helix" symbol necklace, a mounted picture with three inserts in it, one of Claire on the left, a cast shot in the middle then a smoking hot picture of Peter on the right and a copy of the official magazine!
(Pictures to follow once I find my effing digital camera!).

We only got to go to, two panels on the weekend because so much other stuff coincided with them!
But one we did manage to get into and I was actually determined to get to was the Eve & Kai panel!
Honestly, it was one of the most hilarious things I've ever witnessed!
Lashings of lulz-worthy stuff happened but the foremost thing that springs to mind is that the cool little directors chair with Kai's name on it, which he had been absolutely gushing about since the opening ceremony, broke while he was sitting on it!

Scaring the absolute shit out of him and Eve!
Bloody hilarious I tell you!
And after he was provided with another chair, he shouted:

"If any of you lot put that on Youtube, I'll fucking sue you!"

I don't think I ever laughed so hard before!

Then they announced the ticket numbers that had been successful in bidding for Kai and Tom's coffee lounge and zeitheist got into Tom's!

But it just happened to coincide with our Eve signing, so the awesome crew were able to bump her up to the top of the queue!

And what happened next is decidedly the best bit of the weekend! I'm actually glad I didn't get into Eve's intimate encounter because I would want nothing to top!

So here I am lining up to get some Eve autos and when I got to the front, the above photoshoot picture was passed to her first and the exchange went as thus:

Eve: "Oh that's beautiful! That came out really well!"
Me: **blushing furiously** Oh thank you so much! Also I thought what you said in your panel about how the fans and their support keep the show going was really wonderful and beautiful!"
Eve: "Oh thanks darling! And I have to say that you have the loveliest accent I have ever heard!"
Me: **blushing like a freaking beetroot now** Oh wow, thank you, I'm from Northern Ireland"
Eve: "Really, that's brilliant!"
Me: **There isn't a word to describe how red my face is now** I just wanted to say that you're my favourite actress on the show and I think you're absolutely brilliant"
Eve: "Oh thank you sweetheart! That means a lot! And you look absolutely beautiful in that photo!"
Me: "Oh my god thank you! You've completely made my day!"
Eve: "And you've made mine!"

And I all but floated out of there and into reception, with my face like a cherry tomato, and promptly dropped dead of delirious happiness!
Then I sprang to life again and rang my boyfriend and angelinmarble and squealed my head off down the phone to them, until zeitheist came out of her encounter.

Then we chilled in the bar until the entire guest talk, which was interspersed with me heading to the dealers room again and purchasing: an Eve snowglobe, an Eve clock, an Eve badge and an Eve & Kai pen!

Speaking of which, the group talk was freaking fabulous!
Completely and utterly hilarious!
Comprised mainly of sexual innuendos, Eve and Tom crushing on Matt Rippy and collective ringtone bashing!

The auction was not one of my finer points, with me, still on a frenzied Eve high, bidding £60 on a signed directors chair that I could neither afford nor had the means to transport it home.
Thankfully, I was out-bid!

Then (Ugh I've used "then" way too many times in this post but it's 7:46am, I haven't slept yet and frankly I couldn't be fucked looking up a synonym) zeitheist and I decided to take a foray into the local chinese restaurant where everyone seemed to be heading!

Needless to say, I will not be repeating the experience!
The only positive thing that came out of it was that we discovered APPLE DUMPLINGS!
OMG those things were Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and Milo Ventimiglia in food form!
(If you have no clue who these men are, I strongly advise to google them NOW! Also rent Supernatural & Heroes from your nearest rental store! You will not be sorry!).

The party was particularly epic what with the free-flowing candyfloss and abundance of balloons!
Of which I had quite an unhealthy obsession! My balloon was deformed and I kept groping it!
zeitheist can back me up on this!
We also danced our little socks off! (Regardless of the fact that I cannot dance to save my life!)

Oh and I requested Eye of The Tiger in honour of Jensen Ackles and all the SPN fangirls that were present (And judging by the squeals, there were quite a few!) but mostly for me and zeitheist.

I'm ashamed to admit that I botched the dance moves horribly because my brain was so addled by funstuffs that I couldn't remember half the moves!

But zeitheist and I made a pact to learn the moves off and dance them together at Asylum 3! Huzzah!

There was also quite a bit of GDL dancing and being a very big attention whore on the dancefloor!

But I'm told that's quite normal behaviour for him?



Woke up feeling quite subdued because:

a) I had only managed to get a fraction of an hours sleep because my body clock was hating on me!

b) It was Sunday, the last day of the con and we had to go home at the end of it all =(

We headed to McDonalds again where I decided to experiment with a rather flat sausage, horribly thin pancakes and sticky maple syrup!
Let's just say that it was a spectacular failure and be done with it!
Although I did get a massive drink of coke to stop me from falling asleep on people all day!

I am going to be very immature right now and proclaim in a very girlish fashion:

Kai Owen + Burn Gorman = BFFLs!

Okay point and laugh but I swear it's true!
Kai came into the autograph room before his photoshoot especially just to say hi to Burn and give him a hug!
I believe my exact words were "AWWWWW!"

Then approximately three minutes later as we were waiting in line for GDL autos, he was late presumably hungover, we realized "SHIT! We're meant to be at the Kai photoshoot!".

We bolted to the photoshoot just in time! A minute later and we could have missed it!
Kai was lovely! (Of course!) And he even gave zeitheist a hug!
and he smelled bloody gorgeous!

Then we ran back to GDL's autograph queue! Who looked extremely hungover and was mainlining coffee between every third autograph!
And after he signed our stuff he parted with a "lovely" for me and a "gorgeous" for zeitheist!
Oy oy what a flirt that man be!

Inner happy dances? You bet we did them!

I was uberly excited to meet Phil Ford because I wanted to ask him a question that I've always wanted to ask a Who!Writer!

You see, I've always wondered if the writers were given an alien by RTD to work into their plot lines EG Steven Moffat with The Vashta Nerada, or do they make them up themselves?

Well he answered my question!

He said that the only thing that RTD had stipulated was that Gwen HAD to get pregnant a day before the wedding and he could do whatever the hell he wanted to get her there!

So Phil Ford came up with the Nostrovite all on his ownsome which I think is pretty flipping fantastic!

Also before I asked the question we had a little exchange which went as follows:

Me: "Hello!"
Phil: "Hi, how are you?"
Me: "I'm great! I just wanted to say that 'Something Borrowed' was my FAVOURITE episode of season 2!"
Phil: "Why thank you very much!"
Me: "I mean it had the hilarious comedy in it but it also had the "Oh my god! Everything is going to absolute shit!!!" factor in it too!"
Phil: "Well that's what I was aiming for!"
Me: "Well you aimed right!"

Then I asked him aforementioned question!

I think meeting him was my second favourite meeting of the entire con!

But now onto Burn Gorman! =D
Who has to have one of the loveliest smiles on the face of the earth!
It was just so sweet and honest!
And he was being a real sweetheart to everyone even though it must have been hard because he had to get through everyone in such a short time! =(

But he was wonderful in my photoshoot!
All smiles and he greeted me with a cheery "Hello darlin'!"
And oh my flipping heck! His accent **fans self**
Oh and I got a wee chuckle from him when I said "Dear god this cannot be real!"
Burn Gorman = SO worth the wait!
He's a real top bloke!

zeitheist was in line for her Tom Price photoshoot by this time so I plonked myself down on the floor by the bar, waiting to get in line for the GDL photoshoot, and began plotting out a Heroes fanfiction!

The GDL shoot was quite awesome! He just went "Hi!" then glomped you! Seriously he just grabbed and squished!
It was bordering on being creepy or totally heavenly!
I'm going to go for heavenly because it's Gareth David Lloyd!
He plays Ianto Fucking Jones for goodness sakes! He's heaven on a stick!

Up next were the Kai Owen and Tom Price encounters!
I very luckily got into Kai's! And zeitheist made a guest reappearance in Tom Price's!

It was unbelievably fun in Kai's encounter! He's just a big blokey ball of fun!
Of course, me being me! I asked about fifty questions! One of which was "What is your biggest achievement to date, outside of acting?"
And he goes ". . . . That's a really good question!" in this little awed voice then after thinking about it for a minute he replied "It'd have to be buying a house with my fianceé!".
And collectively the group went "AWWWWW!" \o\

Then later after much spoiling of the heavy amounts of donkey bonking we're going to get in season 3 (If you think he was being serious about this then I pity you! ;)!), he went around the circle asking where we were from and when it got to me I of course replied "Northern Ireland" and he went "You have the loveliest accent!".

And I sort of squeaked "That's a popular opinion!" and exploded inwardly with squee!

Because I absolutely loathe my accent!
Well not loathe but it's something I'm extremely self conscious about so for two actors whom I respect and think a great deal of to compliment me on it, well it make me feel all mushy and really really really happy!

In the middle of our encounter, Tom Price just bursts in exclaiming "HOW DO YOU DO THE "C" in YMCA?!?!?! BECAUSE APPARENTLY I'M DOING IT WRONG!!!!!"

Then he went "Oh that lot are just throwing ABUSE at me in there!"
and Kai responsed "SWAP! Because this lot are way too nice!"
And I promptly texted zeitheist informing her of this hilarious exchange!

So we just sat chatting with Tom for a bit then Kai came barrelling back in "HOW DO YOU DO THE "C" IN YMCA?!?!?!" and Tom promptly fled the scene with a bagful of goodies! Involving a magic kit and some plastic facial hair I believe!

And here are some random collected facts about Mister Kai Owen!

[♥] - He loves Green Day

[♥] - & Kings Of Leon

[♥] - But he's quite partial to classical & opera as well!

[♥] - He absolutely loves reading!

[♥] - And he loves reading and watching crime thriller stuff!

And after Kai's encounter was over, zeitheist and I went to check the noticeboard to see if we'd got into Phil Ford's writers workshop but alas we hadn't =(

I was a tad crushed but then bjewelled, who had been in Kai Owen's encounter with me, noticed how forlorn I was looking and asked if I'd like to take her place in the workshop since she had won a place in Burn's encounter!
Well I jumped for joy and began gushing my thanks!
Then I made sure zeitheist didn't mind me going to the workshop, gave her my USB modem so she wouldn't be bored (and to alleviate my guilt at abandoning her!) and headed off to the writer's workshop!

It really was completely and utterly awesome and I learned loads about the process of writing a script then getting it in front of the producers ETC.

I have about ten pages of notes which I would gladly transcribe except I can barely understand my scribblings at the best of times so I don't want to give myself a migraine or possibly an embolism by even trying!

Then after I had exited the workshop we rushed to Burn's autograph signing!
Where again the wonderful Mr Gorman was full of smiles! **grins**

Burn: "Hello!"
Me: "Hi! . . . Can I just say that you have to have the loveliest smile that I have ever seen!"
Burn: "Why thank you!" **indicates my photoshoot picture** "You've got a lovely one yourself!"
Me: "Thanks! And I've got to tell you that I cried buckets when you died . . . . the first time!"
Burn: **chuckles** "Me too"
Me: "The second time, I nearly threw the bloody tv out the window!"
Burn: **laughing as he hands me my autographs** "Oh thanks darlin'!"

Well after zeitheist got her autograph, we made a mad dash to the train station where we parted ways =(

It was a truly awesomely awesome weekend! and a big shout out to and massive hugs go to zeitheist for putting up with my crazy ass for nearly three days! And for being an epic con buddy! **big giant squishy hugs**

Oh and big hugs out to bjewelled for being my guardian angel and getting me into Phil Ford's writer's workshop! **massive hugs**

And thus endeth the epic con post!


I have fashioned myself a new Heroes header!
And when I say"fashioned" I really mean "spent a bloody hour and a half making" lol!
Seriously I'm extremely chuffed about this header but also very apprehensive as well because it's not my usual style and I have a funny feeling it's not gelling well with my journal layout?

opinions plz?
Concrit is welcome!


multifandom friending meme

meme it bitches! lol! =P

meme: spicy-87's meme, graphics: header, conventions: the hub 2, real life: fulooting fuckery, real life: convention, fandom: smallville, fandom: torchwood, fandom: heroes

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