[thread] closed

Jan 01, 2010 21:22

[thread, closed]
Characters: Gabranth and Aerith
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: First meeting.
Location: Lindblum
Date: January 1st, 1804
Warnings: Aerith being herself, questions, etc

Aerith had closed her communicator after speaking with Al-Cid and looked faintly disturbed over the information she'd gained before she decided to leave the inn and consider how to handle this. Cloud wasn't likely to listen to her but the incident with that other man on the network bothered her as well. Things were moving in ways she wasn't comfortable with and she wasn't going to sit back and watch this time, not if she could do something. She'd spent too much time denying who she was when she was younger and it had done her no good. At least here, there was a chance she could be of more use.

She didn't even realize where she was going, being so lost in thought over what she'd learned. Vayne was a threat, according to Al-Cid but Weiss seemed to pose a much greater threat to the world than the other man currently did. She didn't think Rufus Shinra would sit idle either, with the issues regarding Wutai. Her footsteps quickened without her realizing it until she found herself standing outside one of the parks.

It calmed her slightly to see the green stretching out in front of her and she smiled slowly before slipping her shoes to walk barefoot in the grass. She still wasn't used to seeing this kind of place in a city and it was a nice distraction from her thoughts. She sighed quietly, just standing there in her bare feet as she looked around. 

gabranth, aerith gainsborough

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