(no subject)

Jul 29, 2009 03:46

Characters: Mjrn and Cecil
Progress: Complete
Summary: Cecil helps Mjrn and they go have dinner.
Location: Alexandria
Date: March, 1803
Warnings: None.

As luck would have it, there was an airship leaving for Alexandria by the time Cecil choose to leave Galbadia Garden. He bought passage for himself and soon settled into the leisurely trip, more than comfortable riding the vessel. The design of the airship itself was fascinating to him, but he was more taken with the scenery. He took quite a bit of time to marvel at the beauty of the passing land beneath him. All too soon, however, he arrived at his destination, and took his first steps into Alexandria itself.

The difference was startling.

Unlike Galbadia Garden, here was a place he knew he would feel comfortable exploring. He could instantly tell that there was a lot of similarity between here and Baron. The looming castle in the distance was unmistakable.


Cecil lowered his head, shutting his eyes for a brief moment before composing himself. He shook his head, and took a step forward into the city.

It was… bigger than he thought. Soon enough he found himself wandering in a circle. Had he passed that small alleyway before? Yes, he was certain of it. He tried again. The same alleyway. More amused by his lack of direction than anything else, Cecil stopped next to a small shop and pondered what to do. He glanced up at the sky for guidance. No answers there, but strangely calming, in its own way.

Ah well. No harm in resting for a bit, he thought to himself as he sat down on a wooden crate.

Just as Cecil sat down on the crate, a young grubby boy passed him swiftly, holding a small pouch. He soon rounded a corner and disappeared from view. Moments later, young woman with short white hair and long white ears approached hurriedly...and then paused, frowning as she glanced around. A soft, frustrated sigh escaped her.

Where had that thief gone? Given the size of the city, Mjrn suspected that the window of opportunity was soon closing, if it hadn't closed already. Perhaps she should just pick a direction and test her luck....

Just as Cecil sat down on the crate, a young grubby boy passed him swiftly, holding a small pouch. He soon rounded a corner and disappeared from view. Moments later, young woman with short white hair and long white ears approached hurriedly...and then paused, frowning as she glanced around. A soft, frustrated sigh escaped her.

Where had that little pickpocket gone? Given the size of the city, Mjrn suspected that the window of opportunity was soon closing, if it hadn't closed already. Perhaps she should just pick a direction and test her luck....

Cecil glanced up as the young boy ran past him. A split second later, and he was gone. He rose to his feet, just as the young lady came into view. Hearing her sigh of frustration, Cecil approached her, and asked, “Are you alright?”

"I--" Mjrn blinked and stared at him. Thanks to Cecil's video post, she recognized him immediately. Unfortunately, she had not thought to use it as well, but at least her reply had been sent via the audio function?

"You must be Cecil! I am pleased to meet you at last; I am Mjrn." She smiled, though it drained away quickly enough at his question. "My coins were not as secure as I thought, and a light-fingered youth took advantage of this. I am still new to cities, and am not accustomed to the need for vigilance. This has been a valuable lesson, if nothing else."

Ah. So this was Mjrn, the one whom he’d had several conversations with using the strange devices they’d been given. Cecil smiled back at her, bowing his head politely. “Mjrn. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person as well.” Her unique appearance didn’t surprise him at all, and it showed in his demeanor. Hearing her plight, he flashed her a sympathetic expression.

“I am truly sorry to hear that. I think I may have seen where he went.” He pointed in the direction. “Would you like me to help you look for him?” He hoped to be of some help, at least.

Accustomed to stares and whispers, Cecil's lack of surprise was a refreshing change. She was still curious as to why her appearance did not seem to faze him, though there were more pressing matters at the moment.

She glanced in the direction he pointed and nodded. "I would appreciate this. Perhaps he is beyond our reach by now, but it is worth the attempt." Quickly, she strode forward.

Cecil walked briskly beside her, keeping his eyes peeled for the young boy. He offered his own suggestions on which direction to take, but at this point it would be only by chance that they caught up to the little pickpocket. A wealth of time was spent on this task, as the minutes passed by, and Cecil was starting to have doubts.

But apparently fortune favored them this day. Cecil placed a hand lightly on Mjrn’s shoulder, and pointed out a young boy ahead of them. The youth was facing a wall, slightly hunched over, and appeared to be rifling through something noisily. It sounded like the jingle of coins.

Cecil's advice was of course duly appreciated and followed, since he possessed more recent information. Were they in the wilderness, Mjrn might have managed well enough through her own tracking skills, but she was not attuned to the city and its masses of people confused her senses still. She was about to suggest that they concede the quest, when Cecil's hand reached her shoulder.

Upon spotting him, Mjrn strode forward. Her tone was quiet but firm when she spoke. "That is mine. Return it at once."

The boy jumped and whirled around, then glanced sideways as she approached and began to dash away with the coinpurse. As his path was straightforward this time, Mjrn did not chase him, but began to spellcast. A moment later, she pointed at the boy, who slouched in slumber. Approaching, she then withdrew her item.

Turning to Cecil, she granted him a smile that lasted longer than the previous one. "You have my thanks, Cecil. I might not have found him without your aid."

Cecil at first had been concerned when Mjrn began to spellcast. But, the boy had just been put to sleep. No harm done. It was a lesson that needed to be learned, after all. He relaxed, smiling amicably back at her. “You do not need to thank me. I’m just glad you were able to retrieve what was stolen from you.”

Now that the situation had been dealt with, Cecil looked at Mjrn again. His gaze was not intended to be obtrusive, only mildly curious. But fearing she might see it another way, he quickly stopped, and ran a hand absently through his glossy hair while averting his eyes elsewhere.

Upon taking a good look at the slumbering boy, Mjrn couldn't help but notice his ragged state. Perhaps he needed coin more than she. Certainly not about to reward his efforts with her entire purse, she nonetheless dropped a few coins on the ground and then stepped away.

Turning back to Cecil she noted his gaze, though it did not trouble her. "Might I repay you? I was headed to the inn for a meal."

It was an act of kindness that Cecil would not argue with. Were he in the same position as she, he would have done the same. Cecil said nothing more on the matter though, and turned his focus to her query instead. “A meal… That sounds like a good idea.”

Mjrn nodded, then proceeded to lead the way. Fortunately, she had been in Alexandria just long enough so that the city was not a hopeless maze to her. The path lead them past where Cecil had originally been sitting, winding toward the center of town. Narrow streets gave way to a wide circle, filled with people going about their business. The castle was in direct view, separated only by water and a simple rowing ferry.

Turning away from that view, Mjrn headed toward her left and paused at the nearest building as a couple exited. After that, she stepped inside. The restaurant itself was nondescript and homey, bustling with those of like mind to viera and paladin. She glanced around, then headed toward a nearby empty table. "It seems busy, but the staff here is efficient. I do not think we will wait overlong."

Cecil walked alongside her quietly, trusting that she knew where to go. There were a few things he recognized now- buildings he'd passed earlier in the process of getting himself lost. At least he knew for next time how to make his way around the city.

The inn was busy, but not terribly overcrowded. Cecil nodded, and sat himself down at the table. "It should be alright. I have seen taverns far more crowded than this," he replied. After ordering, he glanced over at her. "You said you were from Ivalice, right?"

"Yes. It is similar in some aspects to this world as I know it, and yet not. However, I admit freely that my perspective is limited. For most of my life, I have lived in the Wood. My departure was a recent event." Mjrn looked at him apologetically; she was happy to share what she knew, though unfortunately just about anyone else from Ivalice could give a clearer picture than her own.

"What I have seen of Ivalice has included a vast expanse of plains, and then the desert surrounding the kingdom of Dalmasca. The city of Rabanastre reminds me a little of this one, though not in structure. Like Alexandria, the desert city of Rabanastre is dominated by Humes, yet many races call it home, as well. The only race in common with Ivalice are the moogles. No one I have met has heard of my kind, the Viera, or the Seeq or Garif...I was called a Burmecian once, however." She shakes her head, not certain what those are--and a woman arrives to take their drink orders, setting down menus. Remembering the tea she had last time, the young Viera orders that while the waitress then turns to Cecil and head off after he is done.

Cecil listened with a thoughtful expression on his face. A city surrounded by desert? It sounded a lot like Damcyan. Humes... she must mean humans. He glanced at her questioningly. "...The Wood?"

Mjrn glanced up from scanning the menu and nodded. "The Humes refer to Her as Golmore Jungle. To the Viera...She is the Wood, their sacred home. She guides them and they protect Her in kind."

She paused, then stared downward again and she sighed a little. "My curiosity has cost me any right to claim myself as a part of this bond any longer. The Green Word forbids contact with the world outside. Once a Viera breaks this law, they are seen as Viera no longer. Thus, the decision is never lightly made."

"I see..." Cecil studied her carefully. "And yourself? Do you not see yourself as a Viera any longer?"

That was a very good question and Mjrn was silent for a long moment, trying to figure out how to answer it. Her brow furrowed. "...I must not be, to have deviated so far from the path of my erstwhile sisters. Yet, memories of the Wood are almost all those I possess. That is a question I might need time to answer. Do you think it possible to rid yourself so quickly of what you once were?"

Cecil clasped his hands in front of him. This question... he could answer with all the certainty in the world. Yet he hesitated, just a little. The past still pained him, and what he was about to say would bring all those memories back to the surface. To anyone else, he would have simply given a one word answer and diverted to another topic. But Mjrn was a different story. She was earnest, and deserved an honest answer.

Eventually he said very quietly, “Yes.” Leaning back in his chair, he smiled over at her. “There was a time when I thought I would be trapped in the darkness forever. I thought to myself, even if I strayed toward the light, I would still be lost. I wanted someone to forgive me for all the terrible things I had ever done. The weight of my wrong-doings was slowly crushing me, until I could hardly breathe. My path was clouded. I couldn't see past the blood on my hands. What I finally learned was... I needed to forgive myself."

Cecil looked at her steadily.

"I'm not the same man I was before, because... I chose a different path. One that has led me to great happiness. And I'm thankful for it."

Cecil's story was captivating and Mjrn listened with silent intensity, her gaze never deviating. Given his words, she couldn't imagine this was a story he told many people. Who would want to tell someone they had just met that they had a dark past? While her own wasn't shrouded in darkness, the young Viera realized what he was trying to say. His story was relevant to her own, as someone who needed to cast the past aside in order to survive.

Isn't that what Fran had done? I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past had been cut away forever. Those words echoed in Mjrn's mind as the price for leaving the boundaries of the Wood, for daring to see another life. The Viera began in the Wood, but it was not the only end they could choose.

When he finished, she nodded slowly. "Thank you for telling me what I assume is not a tale shared with many. It must have taken a great deal of courage, to chose as you did. To live in the past...is not really to live, is it? If casting it aside is the only way to survive, to grow, then it must be done. One of my sisters tried to explain this when she briefly reappeared after a long exile, but I did not -or would not- understand. I was not ready to consider the consequences. However, I must live with them now."

She paused as their drinks were set down, then selected her meal. After all orders were taken and the waitress moved away, she leaned in again. "Have you thought of your path, once you reunite with your friends? Will you remain in Alexandria for a time?"

"You're welcome, Mjrn." Cecil took a sip of his drink, set it down, and fiddled idly with his wedding band while he pondered her question. "That is difficult to say. I want to find my friends as soon as possible, that much is certain. But beyond that, I don't know what's going to happen..."

Mjrn took a brief sip, then leaned back a little. "It is difficult; there is much to learn of this world, and our situation. Though I have been fortunate to find familiar faces within this city, I am curious to learn of what is beyond its borders." Well, other than an aptly named Evil Forest, which wasn't worth a mention. "Perhaps I will see the location in which you arrived. Is it -or Alexandria- similar to your Blue Planet?" She hadn't forgotten Cecil's agreement to tell her about his home and her boundless curiosity prompted the question.

"Well..." Cecil thought about it carefully. "I first arrived here at a place called Galbadia Garden. It was very... different," he explained, figuring that was the appropriate word to describe it. "It's more advanced than anything I have ever seen. From what I saw, it was strictly a place of learning. And Alexandria... is very similar to Baron, my hometown. It's only a little bit bigger, though. There is a castle as well, and grassy plains surround it."

What else... He smiled and took another sip of his drink. "Dancing, of all kinds, is very popular in my world. Sometimes it's entertaining, other times it's peculiar. But it's a great source of entertainment nevertheless."

A place of learning...curious as she was to learn, Mjrn wondered if Galbadia Garden would suit her purposes. There was no way to be certain unless she saw it for herself, though that might have to wait. It remained a mental note for the time being, as the young Viera listened to Cecil speak of Baron and taking advantage of it to sample more of her drink.

She smiled at mention of dancing. "It is in Ivalice, as well. I cannot claim any notable skill, but I have noticed a fair number of those who can, in Rabanastre. Perhaps it is similar in Alexandria, but I have not yet discovered this."

Cecil hadn't seen anything of the like so far, but maybe he would explore that later, after he finished seeking Kain out. Speaking of which... "Kain... you saw him, right? Was he... did he seem to be okay?"

At that, Mjrn nodded. "He is well. I am most grateful to him; he aided a young woman also stranded in the Evil Forest. I had planned to retrieve her on my own, but Kain was closer than I, thus I sought his assistance. His actions ensured that Yuna was safely escorted to the border and my exposure to the Mist of this world was fortunately less than it could have been. Upon meeting them both, I then guided them to this city. He took a night's rest at the inn; at daybreak, he departed and I have not seen him since."

Evil forest? An ominous sounding name… “Kain would never turn his back on someone who needed help,” Cecil said, smiling faintly. “He doesn’t say much, but he’s an honorable man. I’m glad you were all able to make it here safely.” He paused. “He must have left town, then. I suppose I will see him eventually…”

As Cecil trailed off, a basket of warm, fresh bread was set before them, and their orders were brought out. Mjrn's was simple--soup and salad. She reached for some bread, and tore it in half. "Perhaps he will return. I would like to see him again. His taciturn nature does not bother me; many Viera say far less."

Her smile faded as something came to mind. "Sir--Cecil, I must warn you; should you desire to explore, doing so beyond this continent carries great risk. I have heard many townsfolk speak of ships that venture to the Outer Continent and do not return. There was a scholar I conversed with briefly, a Dr. Tot from Treno. Due to his words, I suspect it is related to the return of Mist to this continent. Are you familiar with Mist--does your world possess such a phenomenon?" Hers did, so she thought to see how familiar he was with it before attempting to explain further, should he wish it.

The waitress set a bowl of hearty stew down in front of Cecil. It had been awhile since he’d eaten something substantial, so he tucked in rather eagerly. The spoon was raised halfway to his lips, but at her warning his hand stopped in midair. Ships disappearing? That was... very strange. He stuck the spoon in his mouth, then made a face. Spicy. Setting the spoon down again, he answered, “Mist is the name of a village in my world. It is--was... home to a race of people called summoners.” As he chewed on a piece of bread meditatively, he couldn't help but think of Rydia, then.

The use of past tense did not escape Mjrn and her expression was sympathetic. "...'was'? I am sorry. I have heard the term 'summoners' before, though my knowledge of such skill is very little. It is not one most on Ivalice know, I think. Regardless, this Mist causes me worry. Doctor Tot said the source of the Mist had been a monstrous arbor at the Outer Continent. It was felled three years ago, and the Mist vanished. Yet now, it returns...and the location of its source is now inaccessible." She paused to let that sink in while she sampled more of her meal.

Cecil pushed his bowl away, more interested in the conversation now than in eating. Arbor... A tree? "Then... the mist would disappear if the tree were to be felled once more?" he asked, his expression thoughtful.

"Perhaps, if the tree has somehow regrown and is the source this time--which cannot be confirmed. Or it could be merely generating from the tree's erstwhile location. " Mjrn furrowed her brow. "As for the Mist itself...I am told it is not directly dangerous, though the monsters that roam the wilds are born from it, and moving through the Mist can be dangerous because of this. My kind are sensitive to the Mist in Ivalice and it seems we are not entirely immune here, though our own Mist is quite different. I am not certain what this will entail."

"I suppose we'll just have to tread carefully then," Cecil replied, risking another bite of spicy soup. Then he smiled over at her. "Thank you for telling me all this, Mjrn. I really do appreciate it..."

Mjrn smiled back, after trying more salad. "You are welcome. There is much to learn about this world and I claim no expertise, but I gladly share what I know with others. There is a woman named Rinoa who is also one of the Sky People; she thought there should be a more organized effort to aid newcomers, and I agree. What information there is ought to be shared."

"I talked to Rinoa briefly. She seems very knowledgeable. I agree as well. We're all very fortunate to have the help of others," said Cecil, nodding. He sat back in his chair and stretched his arms high above his head, then lowered them with a wearied sigh.

That sigh brought forth some concern and Mjrn paused. "You must be fatigued from your travels. I would not keep you, if you wish to seek rest." As much as she enjoyed Cecil's company, the young Viera knew well how new surroundings could take their toll. It wasn't as though continued conversation could not wait; the paladin now knew all that she did, concerning their situation.
Apparently he was more tired than he thought. "I probably should find a place to rest for a bit," he admitted, rising to his feet. After making sure both their meals were properly paid for, he added, "We should talk some more the next time we meet. I enjoy your company very much."

Apparently he was more tired than he thought. "I probably should find a place to rest for a bit," he admitted, rising to his feet. After making sure both their meals were properly paid for, he addded, "We should talk some more the next time we meet. I enjoy your company very much."

"That is easily managed; the inn is upstairs." Mjrn stood as well, and nodded eagerly to his suggestion. Cecil was by far one of the nicest Humes she had ever met. "As I enjoy yours. May you rest well."

cecil harvey, mjrn

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