[Thread;OPEN] Inspecting Cleyra

Jul 26, 2009 00:43

Characters: OPEN to Cleyra Explorers
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: The sandstorm has vanished from Cleyra. Some people have already gone in to inspect the place, but Moguo's still planted outside fretting.
Location: Cleyra
Date: March, 1803
Warnings: Can you resist the power of the pompom?
Other: Feel free to hop in here and respond to each other as well as Moguo.

This was really strange. They few Cleyrans who had survived Brahne's destruction of their treebound settlement had finally gathered together to settled down and begin life anew. They even went so far to find a new tree and put up a sandstorm, even though this time they were snug between mountain ranges. Why would they have taken down the storm.

Moguo remembered the last time the storm went down. Just thinking about it made his pompom itch. Which is why he was busy cramming a hat down on his head to cover the once pink ball that bounced about his head. He hadn't lied about being so scared that his pompom was shedding. But that was embarrassing to have out in the open. He wasn't the least bit embarrassed that he was too scared to actually attempt entering the settlement when a couple of people came to look at it.

rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart, moguo, mjrn, auron, laguna loire

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