[Thread; Closed]

Jan 09, 2011 15:27

Characters: Celes and Matoya
Progress: On-going
Summary: Celes has taken a quick trip to visit a seer about her upcoming journey. She also didn't tell anyone she was leaving
Location: Matoya's Cave
Date: January, 1805, a few days before her big trip
Warnings: None that I can think of. TBA

The idea to visit Matoya sprang up out of nowhere. Celes had been meaning to see what the old woman was all about, as she'd heard of several people taking a trip out and coming back, but she was reluctant to go because she hated asking questions. It made her feel like she didn't have any answers or that she was helpless somehow and she hated both feelings. They never led very far. This time, though, she shoved past her initial misgivings. Maybe this would be a good idea. No one had yet gone to see what this Citadel of Trials was all about. How would she know if she was "worthy?"

After a few weeks of deliberating on that one question alone, she finally decided to go visit Matoya. Others had come back with answers from her and Celes could only imagine that the worst that could happen would be that she'd get nothing helpful or she'd be run out of the cave. Or she'd get so fed up with the whole thing that she'd leave first. Still, at least she'd have tried.

Opting to go alone and not bring anyone else just this once - mostly so she could figure things out for herself and not rely on anyone else this time - Celes made her way to the cave. She hadn't told anyone that she was going, as she knew they'd try to stop her. With any luck, she wouldn't be gone long enough for them to notice. Once at the entrance, she paused only long enough to tie her chocobo so it wouldn't run away before entering.

"Hello?" she called out, voice strong even as she tried not to sound threatening. "Matoya? I have a question if you'd permit an audience."

It couldn't hurt to be polite.

matoya, celes chere

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