Characters: Rinoa, Selphie, Tifa, Marlene, OPEN
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Rinoa goes to stay at Tifa's house in Luca. She's there to help Sorceress-in-training Marlene, but this is open to anyone who wants to visit!
Location: Luca
Date: October 4th onwards, 1804 (let me know if you want to specify a day to visit)
Warnings: None
Stepping foot into Luca set off a lot of mixed feelings inside Rinoa. It was a relief to be outside again, especially somewhere that wasn't Alexandria. The sea breeze felt fresh on her skin. But she was also nervous about what she was about to do. Cloud and Tifa were trusting her with their little girl.
Rinoa didn't even know if she trusted herself any more. This would be a learning experience for her as much as it was for Marlene.
She turned to Selphie, who had offered to escort her. "You know, it was weird hearing you say that you'd never been here before. I guess that means I'll have to show you around all over again, right?"