Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny, Grumpy Judge Is A Meanie

Oct 02, 2010 22:12

Characters: Gabranth, the people coming to rescue him. (Will edit once I'm sure who's coming.)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Gabranth is tiny. He needs to be not-tiny.
Location: Tozus
Date: October 1804
Warnings: Gabranth is a meanieface.

He had made somewhat of a poor start with the Gnomes, but once he'd assured them he wasn't going to start any more unpleasant scenarios, they had been willing to help treat his wounds. The nights spent in the Gnome village while he awaited his brother and the band of rag-tag moppets coming to rescue him were pleasant enough and he had become comfortable enough, even if he wasn't quite sure how he was going to settle into this place known as Gaia. It was strange and unpleasant to have been ripped from Ivalice to a place where people supposedly knew him.

He supposed it was better to have allies than to be faced with a world he didn't know and no one to at least be familiar with. A relief was that Vayne wasn't there. He knew the man would attempt to pull his puppet strings if he could and as much as he'd had to courage to attack him, that courage had faded and it had taken a lot to work it up.

For now he would devote himself to Larsa, attempt to make ammends with his brother and focus on trying to get himself some sort of new resolve.

Settled on a small bench, in his armour yet carrying his helm, Noah waited quietly. He wasn't particularly hungry and, surprisingly, the Gnomes had given him some extra gil for helping with odd jobs. Apparently his size helped with reaching things, since he was larger than they were even this small. He still wouldn't wear a flower hat.

penelo, gabranth, basch fon ronsenburg, larsa ferrinas solidor, vaan

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