Opening Pandora's Box

Aug 31, 2010 22:39

Characters: The captured SeeDs and all those coming to the rescue
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: A rescue is mounted
Location: The Garden
Date: August 30, 1804; shortly after the Garden lands and Rinoa leaves to attack
Warnings: None that I can think of, but I'll edit if anything comes up.

The Garden had stopped. That was the first thing Squall noticed. Where they had stopped, he had no idea, but the engines had fallen silent, and presumably that was a good thing. In that it meant maybe - just maybe - someone would attempt to break, to stop everything before it got worse. Before... before Rinoa hurt any more people.

He doubted that would be the case, but ... he had to hope, almost. Had to hope that there was someone coming, had to hope that things would be as alright as they ever were with Ultimecia involved. And yet, there was some small part of his mind yelling that it wasn't fair, that he'd barely had enough time to begin to get used to this new world and here he was forced into a situation that was his worst nightmare. He didn't want to have to deal with this.

But he had to. For his people, and for all those strangers who knew him. He had to end this, before anything worse happened.

So with that in mind, he gathered together what dregs of courage he could, and made himself ready for what was to come, idly roaming around the little room that he'd all but memorized, looking for something he could use. Some small way to break out - not that he'd expected either of them to leave him something, but hey. Maybe he'd overlooked something. Maybe, and that was what his world had come done to. Maybes and hopes.

tidus, squall leonhart, ellone loire, selphie tilmitt, irvine kinneas, rydia of mist, edward 'edge' geraldine, raine loire, laguna loire

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