Heads of State - May meeting

May 31, 2010 23:01

Characters: Heads of State (various) and two Generals
Progress: Complete
Summary: Ondore's called for a meeting, and rulers have gathered
Location: Ondore's residence, Skysea
Date: May 31, 1804
Warnings: Written in AIM-chat, so format is not typical.

Ondore: Ladies & Gentleman of the Counsel, I wish to thank you for coming today. As many of you know, forces outside of our comprehension have recently attacked Gaia in the form of a sea of dragons. While none of us knows how this incident came about, it would seem that one man is behind this latest stint in attempt to destroy us all. I speak of Garland, a villain beyond compare who’ve assaulted Gaia and its citizens long before the arrival of Sky People. To elaborate on this matter, I have called for us, as well as our generals, to speak upon this matter accordingly. ‘Tis my only hope that a resolution shall come forth from our conference, therefore I ask for nothing other than patience today.

Regent Cid Fabool IX, the floor is yours.

Cid Fabool: Thank you, Marquis. Let me get straight to the point. For many years, Garland has worked to merge our world, Gaia, with another world, Terra. He used the Iifa Tree to halt the flow of souls through Gaia, and replace Gaia's souls with Terra's souls. That was how he intended to merge the two worlds. Ahem. But. Four years ago, Zidane and his friends defeated Garland. They stopped the Iifa Tree from doing its damage and cleared the Mist from Gaia. But then Mist covered the world again, and the Sky People appeared... Garland has returned to resume his work.

I believe that Garland is hiding in Terra. That's why I want to send a party into Terra to find and defeat him. And that's why I asked you all to search for the Earth Mirror. We need it to open the way to Terra. If any of you have any other suggestions... I would be glad to hear them.

Edgar: I already have my best people out looking for it; hopefully, they'll soon find some clue at least, if not the artifact itself. But forgive me, Regent, but do you have the knowledge to tell us more about this Terra and what we might expect to find there?

Ondore: From what the rumors state, Regent, wasn’t Terra destroyed? If so, how could it still exist still? I suppose we can assume the Iifa Tree is behind this phenomenon, but is it capable of reviving an entire world.

Celes: correct me if I'm wrong, but General Beatrix said something along the same lines, that Terra had been destroyed.

Cid Fabool: Well, exactly. We thought that Terra was destroyed, but we also thought that Garland was destroyed. If we were wrong about the second... At the very least, I think it's worth taking a look.

Celes: Who was responsible for Terra's demise in the first place?

Cid Fabool: Kuja.

Edgar: And has he returned as well, then?

Cid Fabool: Yes.

Ondore: Kuja? Is he not one of Garland's henchmen?

Edgar: (He gives a muffled curse) Why can these villains not stay dead...

Celes: (she glances at Edgar and murmurs) It's like Kefka all over again.

Cid Fabool: Yes indeed. Garland used him as a puppet, but he turned on his master... I don't know whose side he is on now, but I know whatever he's up to, it won't be good for Gaia.

Ondore: Therefore, it is safe to assume that the alliance Kuja has with Garland is temporary for now. If so, then perhaps there is a way to drive a wedge between the two. I am certain that old grudges die hard.

Edgar: Does anyone know the substance of that grudge?

Cid Fabool: Kuja resented being a servant... And he resented being replaced.

Edgar: Replaced? Garland picked another lieutenant when he began rebelling?

Cid Fabool: Something like that. Kuja was never meant to last forever. Garland created other Genomes to replace him... Zidane. And Mikoto.

Ondore: Genomes? I suppose if Garland created them, that would suggest that they are artifical lifeforms.

Cid Fabool: They are. They are intended to be vessels to hold the souls of Terra. But I guess they were all destroyed when Terra was - except for the Genomes that escaped into Gaia.

Edgar: (as if to himself) So he grew afraid of the finality of all life... (louder, to the room in general) And do those have souls of their own, then?

Celes: (to Edgar) Sounds familiar...

Cid Fabool: No, most of them don't. Kuja, Zidane and Mikoto were the only ones created with souls of their own.

Celes: Why them?

Cid Fabool: I don't know...

Ondore: (The Marquis honestly looked a tad pensive now, and for good reason.) If the Genomes are on Gaia, then is it possible that Garland can use these vessels to further his means?

Cid Fabool: I guess he thought the Genomes with souls were better able to serve his purpose in creating chaos in Gaia.

Edgar: He certainly seems to have been right in that, at least, though not in the way he wanted to be.

Rosa: (She hasn't spoken much at all and she looks worried.)

Cid Fabool: I wouldn't put it past him to try.

Ondore: (Ondore frowns at that.) Then it's more than likely he could, and will use them in the future for his plans. Do the Genomes in general boast in the same power as Kuja?

Cid Fabool: No.

Edgar: Is it possible he could gift them that same power, then, and make another Kuja?

Cid Fabool: Maybe... But the weakness of Garland's plan was always that by giving the Genomes souls, he also gave them free will. Zidane, Kuja and Mikoto all turned against him in the end.

Ondore: Therefore, if Garland was to make another Kuja, it could possibly turn against him like the others have.

Cid Fabool: Yes.

Ondore: We can have an potenial ally, as well as another foe.

Yuffie: Unless he learned from his mistakes.

Zidane: (He'd been quiet so far, really.) You don't need to worry about the Genomes now. They're not going to hurt anybody, really.

Edgar: But it could still endanger the world even if it turns. There's no way to tell unless it actually happens - is there any way to monitor these remaining Genomes, to see if one starts displaying the free will that marks an ensouled one? In theory, if we can find them early enough, we can bias them towards us and hopefully not turn them destructive.

Cid Fabool: Mikoto is watching over them, in the Black Mage Village.

Edgar: Ah, good.

Cid Fabool: I trust her to let us know if anything is amiss.

Zidane: {He frowns.} They don't need to be watched. They aren't your enemy. {They are his people, after all, he's a bit protective.}

Ondore: Then if so, our worries shouldn't fall solely upon the Genomes if their village leader can be trusted.

Celes: If someone trustworthy is looking after the Gennomes and ensuring their safety, our priority should be Garland and finding a way to stop him for good.

Edgar: (He glances at the new king.) Not yet, but in this situation, things can change rapidly. I'm sorry, but keeping an eye on a potential threat to come up with a peaceful solution is not too much to ask in this situation. Is there any indication of where Garland is encamped? He still has a physical body, does he not?

Celes: If the last way to halt him was only a temporary fix... (she drops off to let Edgar talk)

Cid Fabool: He does. There have been a few sightings... Including at the Iifa Tree and the Shimmering Island. But we haven't been able to find him. That's why I believe he may be found in Terra.

Edgar: But can he create this gateway himself if we cannot without this other mirror?

Cid Fabool: Garland can do a lot of things that we can't.

Zidane: He used to have a ship that did it, but he can't anymore. Unless he built another.

Ondore: Question, Regent. Is there any possible way that Garland can transfer his own subconsciousness from vessel to vessel? What is the limitation of Garland's magic in general?

Edgar: Of course he can. (He sighs.) They always can.

Cid Fabool: I wish I knew, Marquis...

Celes: (glances at Edgar, then to the group)

Zidane: The old man never really took over anybody. He was more like...a puppeteer. (Zidane sighs.) He can still talk inside people's heads though.

Ondore: (The Marquis sighs softly) Then we are dealing with a man who's powers are assumingly limitless in every way. He's a puppeteer with the power of an alleged god. There has to be a way to stifle his magick in some form.

Edgar: (Sharp look at Zidane) Can he? Has he talked to you, then?

Zidane: A couple times. Mikoto too. And probably Kuja also, if they aren't working together. He likes to brag. (Zidane shrugs.) And I think he likes bickering with me.

Ondore: Does he tell you anything worthy of mention, Sir Tribal?

Zidane: (Zidane blinks a couple times.) Just Zidane is fine. No...he's careful. Nothing we don't already know, really. He wants me to join him, he's stubborn like that. But he never really says anything useful, just...threats and grandious comments. He wants us all dead, though.

Celes: "Us?" as in everyone on Gaia? Sky People included?

Yuffie: Don't they always want us dead though? Seems pretty common.

Edgar: Of course. Why would he be any different than the rest. (Shakes his head, thinking of Kefka.) If he is such a strong magician, could he be brought down through mechanical means?

Zidane: Yes. Everybody. He's not picky.

Ondore: ...Excuse this line of questioning, but is it possible that Garland was the one who brought the Sky People?

Cid Fabool: Zidane and his party defeated Garland before. And yes, I think it was his doing.

Celes: That's what it sounded like when I first heard the story from General Beatrix.

Yuffie: So if he's the one bringing us here, if he's defeated, we're just gonna poof and go back home? Or are we stuck here after that?

Edgar: ...It seems only logical that we're here through his doing, if he is trying to destroy this world, but from that standpoint his plan hasn't worked. We're cooperating with the citizens, integrating into the society - is it possible something went wrong?

Zidane: I don't think you guys are here on purpose. He wouldn't voluntarily bring more people to Gaia.

Rosa: A byproduct then?

Zidane: He wants everything here dead so he can create a new place for the souls of Terra. Adding more people just complicates everything.

Edgar: Not if he didn't intend to do so.

Ondore: Are you certain of this, Sir Tri-I mean, Zidane.

Edgar: If he, perhaps, meant to draw in "souls" in general and somehow caught us in his net...

Zidane: Am I sure? No. He never says anything specific. But I'd bet some money on it if I had to.

Celes: What about the new cities popping up? Would he have wanted to somehow make this world a bigger, better place for those Terra souls?

Cid Fabool: He meant to merge Gaia and Terra, and merged other worlds with Gaia instead. So it seems at least!

Edgar: He's certainly been doing his best to kill the population through physical means.

Yuffie: Can't keep us down that easily.

Ondore: Then the Sky People as well are merely pawns. The more of us who arrive, the more of us that dies through his scheming.

Cid Fabool: He fears the eidolons. The summoner's tribe was his first target the last time.

Rosa: But those who die simply appear again. How?

Cid Fabool: He won't like that we're rebuilding Madain Sari...

Ondore: He'll try to attack the summoners head on?

Zidane: Probably not. He's afraid of them.

Edgar: Forgive me, Regent, but you said that when he was defeated last, the Mist disappeared - and yet it has returned. Can we assume that he's trying to steal the souls of those that are destroyed in his attacks through this Mist?

Cid Fabool: I wouldn't like to predict, but he'd certainly prefer them dead.

Edgar: Then we need to reinforce protections at the town, through any means we can.

Cid Fabol: Steal? Something like that, I think... Take them, stop them from circulating... That's what the Mist is. The stagnant souls of Gaia.

Ondore: And the Mist emanates from the Iifa Tree, does it not?

Cid Fabool: Yes.

Edgar: And one of the sightings was at the Iifa Tree. Is is possible that that is Garland's gate onto this world?

Cid Fabool: I don't know, but the Tree is certainly his, and not Gaian in origin.

Zidane: Well, originally the tree was supposed to let the mist-souls go from one to the other, but there was a creature that controlled it living at the base. That's thing is dead...or at least, we killed it before. (zidane sighs.) None of us understood how the tree worked.

Ondore: Everything seems to link back to that heinous tree, therefore I ask why hasn't it been destroyed? If its a product of Garland's magick, then it must be destroyed. We'll force his hand by destroying.

Cid Fabool: If it could be destroyed... what would the consequences be? Would you risk it?

Edgar: And how would we do it? The Tree is very large - I wouldn't want to leave even one scrap behind if we do try to destroy it.

Zidane: We probably shouldn't. Even when we killed it the tree was still here. It's full of magic, if we tried to burn it down or blow it up we might just set all that energy lose. Or set it off.

Ondore: (A sigh) We do not know what the consequences may be, but the Iifa Tree is a source of malady for this realm. The Mist alone is apart of Garland's plan to reap in the souls of those who've died. As for how to destroy it, I cannot say. Although, if we cannot destroy it...then why not simply hinder it? Is there any form of magick powerful enough to limit the Iifa Tree's power?

Cid Fabool: Not that I know of.

Edgar: I'm probably grasping at straws, but is there a single source for its power - a tap, say? One that we could potentially place a limiter on?

Cid Fabool: Zidane? You stopped the Tree working before.

Zidane: Yeah, but it wasn't...We got lucky? There was this...thing...living at the base of it. It cycled the souls that the tree collected. When we killed it...the tree stopped. But it's dead. The tree could be working in some completely different way now. Cause...it didn't bring people back to life before.

Ondore: Then we obviously need to send an expedition team to investigate the Iifa Tree to see if it has another core.

Edgar: Perhaps the Guado have found something in the months they have been living there.

Sephiroth: If the tree is indeed responsible for bringing those slain back to life, we should also take into account that there appears to be a price to be paid for that.

Ondore: (Remembering exactly what happened to Genesis when he died, Ondore understood all too well what the general meant by that.) How true. It seems that every person who succumbs to death, loses either their eyes or voice. Or perhaps more so than just that.

Rosa: It is sometimes more. Much more. (she looks hesitant, not quite sure if she should say everything she knows in detail.)

Cid Fabool: Do any of you know why?

Ashe: A penalty for death... as if it wasn't enough in itself.

Rosa: No. I only know someone who has succumbed to it.

Celes: (dryly) Certainly gives you the motivation to stay alive if you didn't have it before.

Sephiroth: Indeed.

Ondore: Then that penalty we pay is a product of Garland collecting pieces of our souls...
Cid Fabool: That's the theory. When the Iifa Tree returns the souls of those who died... It doesn't return everything.

Edgar: Or the price we pay for breaking away?

Rosa: (nods at that)

Edgar: Not everyone returns from this death - many more die than are reborn. Perhaps those who are... Something must be different about them. Something leads them to break away from their new master and return to the life they left behind, even with a piece of themselves missing.

Sephiroth: (doesn't exactly look pleased about the idea that his friends having lost a piece of themselves due to dying and coming back to life hindered, even if the hindering aspect usually faded with time)

Cid Fabool: It's a mystery to me.

Ashe: None have the right to decide who should and should not be restored. If it is a choice.

Edgar: Nevertheless, someone has. Does anyone remember the time between dying and returning?

Rosa: Not that I have heard.

Ondore: I suspect there a few days pass in-between someone's death and their resurrection.

Yuffie: When my two friends came back, it was around a week or so.

Rosa: As it was for mine.

Ondore: I would assume it to be a week or so, but there is a period when you literally have no idea if that person will return or not. I remember this to be so when....(He trailed off since he didn't wish to mention what happened to Genesis) Aye, perhaps a week.

Edgar: And the odds seem to lean towards people not returning at all.

Ondore: That probably means that their souls were consumed by the Iifa Tree. Again, it would seem our deduction continiously leads back to the tree. We must send and investigation team there to explore its core. Meanwhile, we must figure a way to force Garland's hand. As Fabool has said, he fears the Eidolons, the summoned creatures that the Summoners possess. If he fears his magick so, then perhaps we can seek their aid in thwarting him once and for all.

However, the question lies as to where Garland is hiding and whether it be Terra or not.

Cid Fabool: We don't know until we look. If you wish to lead an expedition to the Iifa Tree, I would be happy to support you, Marquis.

Celes: I would suggest sending a group to Terra and having another group on the lookout for any unusual activity, especially near the entrance point.

Cid Fabool: Meanwhile, I still intend to send a group to Terra as soon as I can.

Zidane: We can't get there until the last mirror is found.

Celes: If the first group can flush Garland out, the second will need to protect the people.

Zidane: A few of us tried, the barrier is closed.

Cid Fabool: As I said earlier, we need the Earth Mirror. Then all the mirrors must be returned to their shrines.

Edgar: And what can we expect when we do so?

Zidane: The old man is powerful, but he's not invincible. Kuja took him down, and we took down Kuja.

Cid Fabool: The way to Terra will open... And then we'll see if it was destroyed or not, and if Garland is there.

Yuffie: If he's not, then what?

Cid Fabool: I haven't planned that far ahead, my dear! But we'll figure something out.

Celes: We scour Gaia.

Ondore: Perhap it would be easier to flush Garland out of hiding if the public is aware of what he, and his suboardinate look like.

Celes: (is trying to be good and hold her tongue for the moment)

Ondore: Maybe of the Sky People are still clueless regarding who these two men are, while the Gaians are reluctant to take charge.

Edgar: (Looks at her) Celes, if you have something to say...

Cid Fabool: That is why I sent out a public message over the Sky Phones.

Ondore: A very good start, Regent. If we keep the people abreast in this crisis, then our chances are finding him are higher. However, is there a chance we can capture Kuja?

Celes: (glances at Edgar and shakes her head very slightly. She just has plans for the after they don't find Garland on Terra.)

Zidane: We gotta be careful, though. If they spot Garland or Kuja and try and attack them without calling for help, they'll get killed. Neither of them will hesitate to kill someone they don't consider 'important.'

Cid Fabool: Kuja is powerful. It would be difficult... Do you have some purpose in mind?

Ondore: Is there anyway we could force Kuja to cooperate with us? We already know he possesses no fondness for Garland, then perhaps the art of persuasion can be used.

As for your concern, Zidane, I do hope that doesn't happen....but I am certain it may play out in that role. We must also warn the people not to blindly attack them.

Celes: We have to be careful with this. Scared people are stupid people.

Edgar: After Kefka, I think we can be assured that most of the population will not try such a move. The only difference between them seems to be that Kefka is more willing to gleefully revel in destruction. If we can tell people that these two are just as bad as him, if not worse, then people will flee.

Ashe: To withhold information may alsolead the people into danger.

Ondore: While it would be ideal for the people not to attack these villains, but rather flee instead; I am more than certain some troubles may come from our reliance on their vigilance. This is merely a the consequence of the cards we play now.

Cid Fabool: What do you mean, Marquis?

Ondore: Is it possible that instead of relying upon the common man, that we can pool our resources within hiring spies instead to watch for these criminals? Somewhat like bounty hunters, if you will. Instead, they shan't attack them, but rather keep watch on both Garland and Kuja.

Cid Fabool: Certainly - if each of the heads of state could do this in their realms, we could build up quite the network.

Edgar: Most of us have soldiers; I would prefer to trust them rather than any sort of bounty hunter, who is by and large only interested in his own welfare

Cid Fabool: [What Cid doesn't mention at this point is that he already does this.]

Yuffie: Well, why don't we just have people we know do it? I happen to know several people that specialize in taking down bad guys.

Ashe: They would need to be trustworthy. We could not risk betrayal.

Cid Fabool: Take on only people you trust. First rule of hiring spies!

Yuffie: I trust these people with my life. I've fought alongside them before.

Ondore: Very well. It seems we have a growing census revolving this idea, but what does our generals think of this? (He's mentioning Celes and Sephiroth)

Edgar: And I with mine. It seems a common ground among those of other worlds to have... shall we say, odd friendships.

Celes: Those who have less of a chance of stabbing us instead of our targets are the better choice. We can station them around, have them act as normal people, especially if they are Sky People like we are. The normal citizen won't have to be involved until something happens, in which case our friends can be the ones to guide them out to safety.

As long as we can trust them... it should be the best course.

Edgar: (Nodding at what Celes is saying) The general outline should work for each kingdom in this world, with adjustments for location, of course. But I suspect that many of us have people that would be more than willing to be our eyes and ears on the streets, provided we don't already.

Sephiroth: It is a sound idea, if we keep track of what comes and goes about our realms, then we'll be able to deal with the issues that arise quickly and also stand a better chance of locating that which we are searching for. Be it Kuja, Garland or Kefka.

Celes: We should have a line of information, so we know who gets to know what and when. If it's important, it goes straight up the line, and if not, then it stays in that realm. Otherwise, we run the risk of never knowing what's going on around the world or sending the mundane things to the wrong people.

Sephiroth: (nods in agreement with her)

Cid Fabool: Good thing we've got these handy Sky Phones, eh? My technology allows you to filter messages to whomever you wish.

Celes: (Hesitates at that.)

Edgar: Indeed, Regent - and the moogles and I are working on improvements every day. (He sees that, Celes.) What is it?

Cid Fabool: [Looks at her. Don't insult Cid's technology!]

Sephiroth: (Can think of a few things to say about those phones, especially as it would seem their enemies also possess such equipment)

Celes: (It has nothing to do with how good or bad it it! She's careful sometimes!) It's a good idea, but call me suspicious.

Cid Fabool: Hmm?

Celes: I'm not entirely sure sending whole bouts of information, especially son such a subject as spies, over something like this is such a good idea. A code of some sort would be a little better.

Edgar: It's safe enough with the correct precautions. A direct connection between the machines, for example, will be private. It will require more time spent in actually calling everyone whether than just sending a general message, but it will be private.

Cid Fabool: I can do better than that.

Celes: (glances at Edgar and then nods. She'll trust him.) As long as we can be absolutely certain.

Cid Fabool: I know how to encrypt my own phones, General.

Cid Fabool: I can set up an encrypted filter that should be nigh on impossible to hack.

Celes: (she nods) I've spent too much time in an army intending to deal harm to any who opposed it. I was trained to think like this.

Edgar: (Nods to the regent) As soon as you have the specifications, we shall incorporate them into all devices of those present

Cid Fabool: Garland, Kuja and Kefka are all magicians, not scientists. I'd be surprised if they could hack into the most basic message.

Ondore: I suppose this is the part where I give my thanks for the three of them lacking a scienctific background.

Ashe: Your Grace. Should you succeed, we could attempt a trial message, one which may provoke the interest of those we seek to foil, by which learning whether or not they have the ability to access your encryption.

Edgar: This technology is far beyond what we had on our world, so I'd be surprised if Kefka could learn to do so. However, he does have something of a scientific background - before he was twisted, he was not stupid.

Cid Fabool: Excellent idea, my lady! As ever, your contributions are most worthy.

Celes: I agree with Ashelia. If given the time and the energy, Kefka might want to, but it would have to be well worth his time.

Edgar: (And while he hates to mention this...) It is also possible that these criminals have more than one device. Stopping one from viewing something on one device does not mean it will stop them from finding it on another. Whether any of them have reached this conclusion or not, yet, we must remember these restrictions are programmed into the machines themselves, not against a specific person, much as we would wish it.

Celes: Our best encryptions in that case would be to each other and not against someone specific.

Cid Fabool: Then you must not lose your phones - and if you do, you must inform me immediately so that I can take the necessary action.

Edgar: If I may suggest - perhaps there might be a way to remotely dispose of any machine belonging to one of us that is lost. A small explosive in the body, if we could make a suitable trigger, would mean that any device that does go missing could be destroyed before sensitive information can be lost.

Rosa: What sort of trigger? A magical one or technological?

Ashe: You could truly achieve that?

Ondore: How can we implement explosions into Sky Phones already in usage by others not amongst the council?

Edgar: There is no harm in trying. I suspect the moogles would be of help in that - I have yet to work with something that small, but it's just a matter of proportion. It would probably be technological, though, if I'm the one to design it. Magic is virtually unknown on my world - I am not as comfortable with it as others are.

Cid Fabool: I like that idea. I'm sure your moogles would be willing to help, Edgar.

Edgar: (to Ondore) I don't know, but we would have less to fear by one of those phones becoming lost than one of ours.

Celes: Edgar, if you work with me on it, we might be able to figure out one of each.

Edgar: (Nods to Celes) As long as you don't mind all of the "kupos" we're sure to get.

Celes: (wry smile) I think i'll live through it.

Cid Fabool: We wouldn't implement it onto all phones, only the ones used by us.

Rosa: But some of us are not present. (thinking of Cecil)

Cid Fabool: At least to start - it would be quite a job changing all of them.

Edgar: Without murdering anyone, Celes. Swords only go in Kefka.

Celes: i'll just take it out on him. Who do you take me for, a madman?

Edgar: (Nods in acknowledgement of Cid's words) I wouldn't want to try something of that scale. Too much can go wrong in a large experimental group, and if we're doing this only to protect our own dealings, then there's no need to involve the rest of the world.

Ondore: Therefore, we will only hatch this plan for those amongst the council and potentially close friends and advisors. I do believe this a worthy solution.

Edgar: Exactly. That will also make it more managable with materials and time constraints. Celes and I will test prototypes between us, and then contact the rest of you when we have one that works, gradually expanding our network. I don't want to give anyone something that can be triggered by accident.

Cid Fabool: [Nods.] Very good.

Yuffie: That would kinda suck if it triggered on accident. Just saying.

Ondore: Let's not be a pessimistic, Lady Yuffie.

Celes: (she's got a twisted smile on her face, like she's trying not to laugh. Apparently, Edgar thinks she's a good test dummy.)

Yuffie: I'd rather not be blown up!

Edgar: (You're nearby Celes, that makes you good) Exactly, Yuffie. Harming people isn't what Figaro is about.

Ashe: We must be cautious, Uncle. (thinking of having the device on her when she's carrying your grand-nephew...)

Celes: We won't make it something that can be easily triggered. (Edgar's too good for that)

Edgar: After all, the device itself doesn't need to be eradicated, just the machinery inside.

Yuffie: So... something more like a computer virus?

Ondore: (Of course, he knows that! He wouldn't wish to have his family accidentally *explode* any time soon.) I do realize that...

Edgar: (Have a slightly puzzled look) What's that?

Yuffie: You don't know what- [she kinda giggles] Sorry. Think of it being like... a cold for a machine. It doesn't some pretty nasty stuff.

Edgar: (He gives something of a wry smile.) Yes, our world isn't as advanced as some that people come from. We only had power for artificial lights in some of the bigger cities, and no computers. I've been shown the ones on the SeeD's Garden, but have no experience with them.

Ondore: Then would it be best to call for experts who hail beyond just Figaro? Do we have any representatives from the Garden or other futuristic realms?

Yuffie: I'll ask my friends too.

Edgar: I'm capable of creating an explosive - it's one of the things I specialize in. Beyond that, I'm learning more about technology as I go. The moogles of this world seem to pick up knowledge at a rapid pace, and they're instructing me as we work together. If we could find an expert who could stay loyal, I wouldn't say no to working with them.

Ondore: Very well, does this idea sit favorably amongst us all?

Cid Fabool: [Nods]

Celes: i'll help Edgar as well. But it's fine with me.

Rosa: (nods)

Yuffie: [Nods]

Ashe: [Nods, clasping her hands together.]

Ondore: Then I suppose this meeting has ended. We know we cannot act until we have found the Earth Mirror, however, this does not mean we turn a blind eye to what Garland is plotting. We shall keep watch for him and his minions, while doing our best to ensure safety for our citizens. I do hope this meeting has done much to ease our worries for the events that may come.

I thank you all for showing your support.

cid fabool, zidane tribal, rosa farrell, marquis halim ondore, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, celes chere, sephiroth, edgar figaro, yuffie kisaragi

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