[OPEN] Reception!

May 17, 2010 17:53

Characters: Garnet, Zidane, and all their guests!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Vows have been made, knots have been tied -- It's time to celebrate!
Location: The Castle Alexandria
Date: May 23rd, 1804
Notes: Reception time! Party-Style tagging -- ninja tagging and thread-crashing is encouraged. For anyone who was invited personally (See the list ( Read more... )

yuna, rasler heios nabradia, tifa lockhart, edward chris von muir, sabin rene figaro, mjrn, adelbert steiner, delita heiral, refia, rydia of mist, edgar figaro, gabranth, tidus, rinoa heartilly, marquis halim ondore, blank, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, kain highwind, larsa ferrinas solidor, quistis trepe, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, edward 'edge' geraldine, terra branford

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Dining Room tidesnpcs May 18 2010, 00:55:23 UTC


Re: Dining Room dewdrop_pebbles May 18 2010, 03:37:25 UTC
Mjrn was quiet and nervous during the banquet. She had attended a few balls by now and wasn't quite so self-conscious about those anymore, but formal dining was something which she had never really experienced. Her table manners were far from atrocious, but she was terrified of committing a faux pas through ignorance. At least Blank was assigned next to her, which was reassuring. She doubted he would care overmuch about such things.

Even so, the Viera ate very little at first, watching others and only mimicking them, when she was comfortable.


xredthespianx May 20 2010, 21:59:02 UTC
Blank was strangely quiet - at least for him, anyway. It was a happy occasion, no doubt about it. His best friend had married his beautiful bride. What was there not to be happy about? And he was happy for Zidane, he really was, but it really reminded him just how alone he was nowadays. Zidane had a new life, the others were missing, he was now the only real member of Tantalus left and it scared him.

Of course, he was cheered up a great deal by the very pretty lady sat at his side. Mjrn's presence always made him smile.


dewdrop_pebbles May 21 2010, 01:46:32 UTC
At first, Mjrn wondered if his quiet demeanor was just her imagination. Perhaps he was merely tired from travel and the wedding, along with everything surrounding it. That would make enough sense to anyone. Or perhaps he was just as ill at ease in such situations as her. Still, she worried just a little.

"Blank, are you well? You seem....thoughtful." Her voice was soft, not an obvious whisper but pitched so that they could speak a bit more privately in the public setting.


xredthespianx May 22 2010, 12:21:26 UTC
Blank was dragged from his thoughts and shot Mjrn a bright smile. "Sorry. I was miles away. I was just thinking." Another smile. He took a sip of his drink. "It's funny, y'know? Watching my little bro all grown up and married off."


dewdrop_pebbles May 22 2010, 19:30:56 UTC
Mjrn toyed with a glass of champagne, but didn't really sip from it yet. She nodded, not being able to match that experience but still interested in his perspective. "His future seems a bright one." Then she paused, wondering if her thoughts had any merit and if she would be asking too much by voicing them. "Is it...difficult to be here?"


lastsummoner May 23 2010, 05:26:13 UTC
From a few seats down the table, Eiko effectively embarrassed the newlyweds by asking about a bridal chamber, then turned her attention to Blank, who was sitting next to that very pretty girl with the bunny ears. Without any tact whatsoever, she targeted him for a round of her curiosity. "When are you getting married, Blank?"


xredthespianx May 23 2010, 18:55:39 UTC
Blank was just about to answer Mjrn's question, when Little Miss Trouble opened her mouth. Any words he had dried on his lips and a blush crept onto his cheeks. He took a sip of his drink to wet his lips, before giving one of his sweetest smiles. "Well... It's complicated, Eiko."


dewdrop_pebbles May 23 2010, 19:19:28 UTC
Mjrn watched Blank's reaction to the young girl with interest. Complicated? She wondered what he meant by that, and if that had anything to do with his demeanor of late. Had he found someone? Yet, he made no mention of it at the beach....

She remained silent, out of politeness and curiosity.


lastsummoner May 24 2010, 04:38:52 UTC
"What's so complicated?" she asked, waving her fork around in the air while she talked. "Baku said a Tantalus always gets what he sets his eye on. So pick someone." Bossy and nosy and blunt as ever, but Eiko just didn't see what the problem was. You pick someone and that's that.


xredthespianx May 25 2010, 07:11:13 UTC
Blank didn't know whether to facepalm or blush. He ended up doing both. "It's not that simple, Eiko. Both people have to love each other, and sometimes it's not easy to know if the other person likes you back, and until you know that, you can't go charging in, in case you scare that special person away."


dewdrop_pebbles May 25 2010, 17:36:56 UTC
Mjrn listened to Eiko with interest, though nodded a little in agreement with Blank. Her time in Gaia had taught her that such things could indeed be very complicated. It wasn't always easy to know when or how to make that extra step. If Blank did not want to rush, she did not blame him.


lastsummoner May 26 2010, 03:42:12 UTC
"I think you should just be honest about how you feel," she declared with an imperious air. Not that she had any idea how much she might be getting into Blank's personal business, but that was her policy for life and as anyone who knew her could attest, she let people know how she felt about everything. Usually quite loudly too. Frankly, she couldn't, or wouldn't, see how anything pertaining to love was complicated. Mostly because for her it was simple. "I just told Denzel we were getting married. It worked."


xredthespianx May 26 2010, 07:55:52 UTC
Oh, how Blank wished the floor would just open up and swallow him. Normally it wasn't so bad to handle Eiko and her loud outlooks on life, but when sat right next to the woman he so adored it became a whole lot more awkward. "Well... You and Denzel were different. I can't just tell a girl we're getting married, it'd scare her off, and she's far too sweet for that."


dewdrop_pebbles May 26 2010, 19:45:33 UTC
At Eiko's announcement, Mjrn couldn't help but smile a little. It was such a simple and direct way of doing things, which suited the girl very well. She wondered if that approach would ever work with anyone else--perhaps, but she had not borne witness to it. Lost in such thoughts, she merely listened to them both. It was an entertaining conversation and she was loathe to interrupt, regardless.


lastsummoner May 27 2010, 02:09:29 UTC
Eiko made a face at that. "I think Baku's way is better. Just go get who you want." Not that she'd heard him tell Zidane off directly for moping over Garnet, but she sure heard the story from Ruby and Marcus later, peppered heavily with loud guffaws of laughter. At the time, it had irked her because she wanted Zidane's affections. But now, she was more or less over that. Some days less than more, but now that he was married, it was going to have to be less.

"Invite me when it's time!" she demanded, secure in her conviction that it was only a matter of time. Then she fell silent, under the stern look that Hilda was giving her. Eiko had seen enough state dinners to know it meant she was expected to be polite and listen and not dominate the conversation entire.


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