[OPEN] Reception!

May 17, 2010 17:53

Characters: Garnet, Zidane, and all their guests!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Vows have been made, knots have been tied -- It's time to celebrate!
Location: The Castle Alexandria
Date: May 23rd, 1804
Notes: Reception time! Party-Style tagging -- ninja tagging and thread-crashing is encouraged. For anyone who was invited personally (See the list ( Read more... )

yuna, rasler heios nabradia, tifa lockhart, edward chris von muir, sabin rene figaro, mjrn, adelbert steiner, delita heiral, refia, rydia of mist, edgar figaro, gabranth, tidus, rinoa heartilly, marquis halim ondore, blank, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, kain highwind, larsa ferrinas solidor, quistis trepe, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, edward 'edge' geraldine, terra branford

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Comments 493

Dining Room tidesnpcs May 18 2010, 00:55:23 UTC


Re: Dining Room dewdrop_pebbles May 18 2010, 03:37:25 UTC
Mjrn was quiet and nervous during the banquet. She had attended a few balls by now and wasn't quite so self-conscious about those anymore, but formal dining was something which she had never really experienced. Her table manners were far from atrocious, but she was terrified of committing a faux pas through ignorance. At least Blank was assigned next to her, which was reassuring. She doubted he would care overmuch about such things.

Even so, the Viera ate very little at first, watching others and only mimicking them, when she was comfortable.


xredthespianx May 20 2010, 21:59:02 UTC
Blank was strangely quiet - at least for him, anyway. It was a happy occasion, no doubt about it. His best friend had married his beautiful bride. What was there not to be happy about? And he was happy for Zidane, he really was, but it really reminded him just how alone he was nowadays. Zidane had a new life, the others were missing, he was now the only real member of Tantalus left and it scared him.

Of course, he was cheered up a great deal by the very pretty lady sat at his side. Mjrn's presence always made him smile.


dewdrop_pebbles May 21 2010, 01:46:32 UTC
At first, Mjrn wondered if his quiet demeanor was just her imagination. Perhaps he was merely tired from travel and the wedding, along with everything surrounding it. That would make enough sense to anyone. Or perhaps he was just as ill at ease in such situations as her. Still, she worried just a little.

"Blank, are you well? You seem....thoughtful." Her voice was soft, not an obvious whisper but pitched so that they could speak a bit more privately in the public setting.


Ballroom tidesnpcs May 18 2010, 00:55:40 UTC


dewdrop_pebbles May 18 2010, 03:38:19 UTC
Upon glancing around, Mjrn realized that her reduced senses ironically aided her in this situation. The noises all around her didn't carry quite so much, causing the headahces she had during the other occassions. She tried to focus on that positive point, though still mourned the loss of what made her Viera.

Mjrn was clad in a strapless gown of black, with a green vine pattern snaking all around it. Given the wedding colors, she saw it as being rather appropriate. Her hair was changed little, though the usual headgear was replaced with a ring of greenery, alluding to her dress.

She moved slowly, less at ease in this gown than the waterfall dress, though she had a feeling that, even as a Viera, she could not get away with wearing such a high-slitted dress to this occasion. It didn't matter, though. Wearing that dress would only serve to remind her of the past, and for now, Mjrn was very much about moving forward as best she could.


sonoffigaro May 18 2010, 10:49:00 UTC
And her moving forward could be helped by the presence of a king.

Edgar had escorted Celes (or was Celes escorting him...), but it was not a serious thing for either of them. Still, it would be very useful for the Returners, competent fighters all, to make more contacts with the nobility of this world, if only to gain more aid against Kefka's machinations. But, of course, Edgar was going to use this opportunity to flirt as much as possible.

Spotting Mjrn alone, and looking slightly uneasy, the king smiled and reached over to a nearby vase, plucking one of the loose blossoms from it and starting to make his way over to the young bunny woman, approaching her from behind. "I hope you don't mind me saying that you are quite possibly the best-looking woman here, do you?" he asked with a smile, holding out the flower as he spoke. He was dressed possibly more casually than was expected, but he still cut quite a fine figure in his more relaxed suit. No reason to steal the thunder from the groom, after all.


dewdrop_pebbles May 18 2010, 18:56:22 UTC
Mjrn glanced to the flower, taking it as she turned around to face the King of Figaro. She wasn't sure what to say, at first. Flirting such as this was still beyond the young Viera and she was rather unaccustomed to the attention.

"I am?" She looked a bit surprised at that, certain he had to be wrong. Her attire and hair didn't match the extravagance of the nobles. Compared to them, she felt plain. Still, Mjrn was too polite to contradict this. She ducked her head a little. "I...thank you. It is good to see you again, Your Majesty."


...SHOOPUF JUMPING waterblade May 18 2010, 10:59:15 UTC
Once night had fallen, once they'd said hi to all their friends and had practically danced their feet off, Tidus finally broke away from his latest partner to find Yuna. Her coming back to him had revitalized him in a big way - he grinned, smiled, and laughed, to all eyes just completely happy with the situation, even with Eiko trying to mess it up for him and Steiner giving him suspicious looks. None of it mattered - he had her back, and this was as much for them as for everyone else. And the ceremony had actually been all right, since it wasn't that big and they didn't take too long over it. He'd been kind of surprised to find out how many people on the guest list he'd already known, though.

But when night fell, Tidus grinned, knowing this would be the perfect time to do something he'd been thinking about for over a month. Finding Yuna, he slipped his hand into hers and starting pulling her away, out of the main ballroom and towards the door to the outdoors. "Come on, I've got something for us."


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EVERYONE WELCOME! waterblade May 19 2010, 08:09:57 UTC
"Outside. Come on!" It was completely silly - an idea he'd had back on Spira, where it would've been impossible, but thanks to all the warping and twisting that was going on could now come true. Being there for almost two weeks had done a lot to give Tidus a good sense of direction about the castle, and he led the way out to the furthest courtyard - out past the tower with the bells, past where the knights met, and down to the waterways.

The Moonflow had been great at home - now, in the middle of a city, it was breathtaking.

Tidus pulled Yuna down to the water, looking up at the great beasts passing through the canals, around the lilies and mingling with the pyreflies, a huge grin on his face. After a moment, he looked back at her, that grin turning kind of mischievous. "So... You ready?"


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