Characters: Quistis Trepe, Gabranth
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Quistis and Gabranth finally have a chance to talk in private
Location: Galbadia Garden as it makes its way towards Costa Faguita
Date: May 1804, after Garden picks up Quistis
Warnings: None yet.
After being picked up by Garden at the Iifa Tree, Quistis had been guided to her room to rest by the other SeeDs. The blond had insisted that she would need no further assistance once she arrived to her dorm as she believed the layout had become familiar enough for her to move around in even in her sightless state. Once the door slid shut behind he, though, Quistis let out a small sigh; in reality, she had only said those things because she was too proud to insist on help to simply move into the bed in her own quarters. How difficult could it be? So, with some hesitation, Quistis held out her hands and began to move forward, but her foot caught the dresser after several steps and she heard something fall off the surface and shatter against the ground.
Immediately Quistis lowered herself onto her knees, her hands moving blindly against the ground to pick up whatever had been dropped-- but her fingers caught the shards of the broken potion bottle, the sharp edges cutting the skin and drawing blood. She let out a curse as she felt the pain from the shallow wounds, but thankfully a pool of the healing liquid was just off to the side. Her fingers brushed against the contents of the bottle and immediately she felt the pain alleviate, her cuts healing instantaneously.
Pulling herself back onto her feet, Quistis heaved another sigh before shifting the direction of her body slightly and slowly making her way over to where she approximated her bed to be, her steps careful and hesitant.