Something About The Way You Say Hello Makes Me Never Want To Say Goodbye

Mar 09, 2010 09:42

Characters: Quistis and Gabranth
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Gabranth takes Quistis on a walk through Narshe
Location: Narshe
Date: March, 1804
Warnings: Unfunf~? Well, really, there shouldn't be anything...

The day had been pleasant enough and while he had already paid Quistis for her aid, though things had happened far too quickly for them to do any real work and Balthier had been both arrested and vanished before he had paid her, Noah at least decided it was time he and Quistis had one of their private conversations in person for a change. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable speaking openly with her in front of other people, it was that he couldn't discuss a lot of the things they talked about in front of Larsa. That was just plain inappropriate.

He was certain Larsa was safe in Selphie's company, and Agrias' at that, thus he had returned to his room to do something he rarely did. He changed from his armour into casual attire. A black shirt that had laces half way down the front (which he never really bothered to lace up properly), black leather pants that kept him warm in the snow but didn't cause him to become uncomfortable and boots that aided him through the snow. A dark blue cloak was fastened around his shoulders, and gloves covered his hands, of course he felt instantly vulnerable without his helmet, thus his weapons remained at his belts.

Returning to the rest of the house, Gabranth bowed his head slightly to Quistis. She was young, half his age in fact, but he was certainly comfortable around her. Perhaps one of the few people he actually enjoyed speaking with.

gabranth, quistis trepe

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