Video Game Reviews

Feb 06, 2009 20:30

I finished these games around Christmas.

Damn, I shouldn't be so ahead of schedule.

1.Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

...It's alright. I mean, I love the other two games so much but something didn't do it for me in this one. Which is odd because Larxene is my favoritest character evah.

It's mostly because of the card system. I'm a button masher by nature, so actually having to think when doing battle pissed me off.

The voices were great though. Larxene was high and fluffy and full of EVIL. :D Marluxia  was deep. Not as deep as his original voice, but enough to thank god he wasn't gayed up due to his pink hair. Zexion was higher than I expected but was good enough, and Leaxesus's was perfect.

Vexen's... honestly reminds me too much of Dib from Invader Zim to be taken seriously. And Haley Joe Osment did his best for Sora, but since so many years had passed it kept going on and off key. Everyone else's original voice was back so it was all good.

Over all it gets a 4/5 for me.

2. Final Fantasy X

I think I'm in love with this game. :D

It's so shiny.  And Tidus is so dorky that I loved him instantly.  That laugh with Yuna was epic man.

My favorite character was Auron the entire time though. Just...dude. I can't even think of words.

The story was great, the characters were even better, and the music was beyond awesome. Especially 'To Zanarkand'.

Score: 4.5/5. Would have been a perfect five if the except for the Sphere Grid (which I couldn't figure out until it was too late) and the ending (which I will never get. Ever.).

3. Final Fantasy X-2

INSTANT FAIL. *headdesk*

Score: -6/5.


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