I think a month of my life has past without me noticing

Jan 29, 2009 17:17

Seriously guys. D: Scary stuff.

I've barley been on the internet at all, for a while. Lots of family drama, what with my brother moving back in, and school being extremely complicated. I hope that I can get back on more often.

So far, I'm just happy that I passed my midterms all right. XD I only got two C's, one in math, and one in band.

Math I expected. But, dear lord I don't know what happened during my playing test.

TeacherDude:Okay Bridget, you're up.

Me:*thinking* I can do this, I'll be fine. *starts playing*

Me:*doing all right for a few measures* *notices other people's existence in room* *SPAZZES THE FUCK OUT*

TeacherDude: Okay, next.

Me:*still shaking* *faintly embarrassed* *hides under jacket for twenty minutes with a book*

It was truly a sight to witness.

I going to be busy on Friday and Saturday, but if anyone replies, I'll at least see you on Sunday. :)


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