Drama Llama's can leave now okay?

Oct 19, 2008 02:05

 First off I have to wait until December ninth for the Dark Knight DVD? D: And for Chain of Memories?! I can't wait that long!

I had to get that off my cheast, it's been bugging me. X) Most of the rest of the post will attempt to make some sense. Maybe.

I never did tell anyone about my classes so here's a list:

Biology:  Personally I sort of hate science class, but it's required to take it. My teacher's kind of boring though. :/ She's not horrible but nothing about her will probably leave an impact on my life.

P.E.- Is of course required by all freshmen. I hope this class dies in a fire. That is all.

Band-...I really need a credit for this class, but I become more and more busy, to the point of almost failing a few classes due to not having enough time, that'd I rather just quit. Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday's, and some Saturdays I'm gone to do something Marching Band related.  My teacher's kind of hot though, so I guess that'll be enough to stick around for a year.

English I- This is totally my favorite class. :D I've gushed about how cool the teacher is, but this conversation held was truely gold:
Class: *is reading 'The Most Dangerous Game'*
Teacher:  Okay class. What's your impression of General Zarrof so far, and what do you think will happen?
Me: *deadpan* He sounds like that crazy Uncle everyone has, that's like, really hot and rich, but has totally done time for something child related.
Teacher: Sure, why not? But what do you think will happen next?
Me: Oh that. Well seeing as Zarrof is all but feeling up Rainsford with his eyes I'd imagine that some hot non-con sexual tension will build up and this will be a giant flashback of that one scene in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Teacher: ...Please step away from the slash fanfiction. Especially your Death Note ones.
Lawlz. XD

Spanish II- This is a fun class too. :) The teacher lets us get away with saying alot of stuff, and he's a big jokster. It's all good.

Algebra I- Fate would have it that I fail this class. D: Seriously, not cool.

World History- We don't get to spend alot of time on certain subjects as I would like but I'm learning alot and it's overall enjoyable.

I also have have some unsettling news. Next year, MTV will attempt to remake the Rocky Horror. *lighting flashes in the background*

Dude, you don't remake that movie. In Soviet Russia, Rocky Horror Picture Show remakes YOU. I mean really, what does MTV know about music these days anyway?

Goodnight all, I'm off to bed. :) Two thirty's late enough for me right now.


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