
Jan 15, 2029 01:47

Team X verse
Atticus cantseethis  "I hate to be asking you to be Dr. Phil, but how do you fix it? When you've said something you shouldn't?" "Well, only you can determine if your words shouldn't have been said. It depends on what was said, and the circumstances. But when it comes down to it all you can do is apologize for it. We all make mistakes. How we go about fixing them is what's important."

Martini’s former roommate in Russia, he enjoys the man’s intellect, general quirkiness, as well as their shared insomnia and bibliophilia. He frequently borrows books, and occasionally asks the older man’s advice when his friendships or boyfriend are causing him trouble.

Hope a_soul_awake  She really was alright. For a doctor, anyway.

Uneasy around doctors due to his past experiences with them, Hope is slowly winning him over through the kindness she has shown the mutant on more than one occasion. She listens to his ramblings patiently and he considers her a “good doctor”, a compliment to her perseverance. He does wish she would see past his stories to the warnings beneath, as he fears her dealings with Stryker will only lead to bad things.

Ophelia  mad_asahatter  “Well, dear one, Ophelia likes you, she does. Straight-up-with-a-Twist, she says. Just how Ophelia likes it.”

Martini gets Ophelia, seeing the person rather than the off-putting demeanor and madness. Although her madness is much different than his own, he likes to play her games. He understands most of her rhymes, and tries to answer in return, even if his rhymes still aren’t that good. Insanity is a lonely road to travel, and having company makes it a little easier. He also feels quite protective towards her, sensing more than knowing how her emotions can overwhelm her at times. Martini was a little heartbroken at her recent departure, giving her one of his beloved watches to remember him by. Ophelia's return has sent him over the moon, and he's begun to realize just how big a piece of his heart his little noblewoman has captive.

Psylocke proper_twinkie  "Riddle me this: If a cat get turns into a rat, does she still remain a cat at heart?"

Martini doesn’t get along with Betsy, and has not from the first moment he met her. If he would take an objective look, he might realize the two are very similar, blunt in their assessment of people, and both a little too vain about their own looks. As it is, he merely finds her too be a little too set on the high horse she finds herself perched.

Rictor movetheearth  “So you're a human vibrator?” “No. I am not a vibrator. It may be a skill I use occasionally but I will not be called that. Alright buddy?”

Initially disliked, eventually formed a close friendship with, and currently Martini’s lover and best friend. Ric possesses a level of trust that no one else has, being the first Martini told his real name to. How the two manage to get along is anyone’s guess, but the fact they still have about an argument over everything says something. Still, he is the one Martini cares for most, and he’s determined to stick with Ric, come what may. The main flaw is his blind loyalty and the tendency of his temper to flare up, both of which might come back to bite him in the ass. More than he realizes, Mark has fallen in love, even if he can't get those three little words out in any language.

Rogue marauding_miss  "I love your accent. It's like nothing I've heard before. Like the Beach Boys song goes, 'And the Southern girls, with the way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there.'"

Initially finding her Southern Belle ways charming and sweet, Martini grew closer to Rogue after the two switched powers while in Africa. Each of them truly knows what it is like to walk a mile in the other's shoes. Martini feels a little protective of her, despite her literal outward strength. He does wish she'd have a little more confidence in herself, despite her mutation. She's one of the few he confides in when talking about his Things. When she left, he was saddened, but her return nearly floored him.

[what] ooc, [what] relationship info, [who] martini

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