Title: In Human Hands
rallalon | Rall
vyctoriRating: PG13, AU towards the end of Season One; 9!Smith.
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: “Why Barcelona?” she asks, her voice fitting between human footsteps and the gentle breeze of the sky, all three somehow fitting together down here, below here.
“Why not?” he counters.
The Visitor )
Comments 50
I might have said this before, but one of the things that has always bothered me with a lot of Smith fic (I adore exceptions to this) is that the Smith tends to be a bit of a nuisance and all you can think is that you want the Doctor back. He's not enough of a person to care about and if there's anything inside, it's always more the Doctor than anything else. Changing back is always entirely the right thing to do, which just seems wrong. Because, really, we should be torn in a situation like this. We ought to be able to love both of them. I'm very glad to have achieved that.
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Thanks for reading!
BTW...the ebb and flow of time as a traffic metaphor....was a brilliant piece of writing!
Forget the watch! Get on the motorcycle and GO!!! AAHHH!
His thoughts exactly! (Except without the yell at the end.)
As for the traffic metaphor: when I thought of it, I tweaked out. Fully tweaked. Then I bingewrote for three or so hours.
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