Title: In Human Hands
rallalon | Rall
vyctoriRating: PG13, AU towards the end of Season One; 9!Smith.
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: “Why Barcelona?” she asks, her voice fitting between human footsteps and the gentle breeze of the sky, all three somehow fitting together down here, below here.
“Why not?” he counters.
The Visitor )
ETA: Back now. I spent the last two weeks going, "Isn't it time for an update yet? Shut up, she has finals about now. So what? Want more. Be patient, give her time, it won't be much longer. But I want..." So you can imagine how thrilled I was when this showed up and I didn't even have to go whining to your door begging for it. *laughs* Congratulations, by the way for winning a CoT Award for WiP for this fic. You deserve it. I know I voted for it.
That was glorious. There is something about your writing that always puts me right in the scene with them, able to see what they are looking at and feel what they are feeling. It's almost as slow a seduction as this human version of Nine is committing on Rose. You don't really notice it until it's fully blown and there is no going back.
My heart aches for him a bit, not understanding that her search for that watch is so important because it's her search for who he truly is. I really like how little bits of him are breaking through, things he's sort of remembering but not really. I want him to remember without the watch. I want him to be who he has become at the same time and for Rose to love him and for him to love her. And yet I want him back, too. Such a mix of emotions and such a lovely, lovely story that always leaves me wanting more.
I might have said this before, but one of the things that has always bothered me with a lot of Smith fic (I adore exceptions to this) is that the Smith tends to be a bit of a nuisance and all you can think is that you want the Doctor back. He's not enough of a person to care about and if there's anything inside, it's always more the Doctor than anything else. Changing back is always entirely the right thing to do, which just seems wrong. Because, really, we should be torn in a situation like this. We ought to be able to love both of them. I'm very glad to have achieved that.
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