Mar 23, 2006 07:09
SOC 377: Sociology of Youth
PSYCO 358: Cognitive Psychology
SOC 301: Gender
PSYCO 241: Social Psychology
PSYCO 381: Principles of Learning (except that apparently I can't register for this until Apr 24 to give 4th years ample opportunity)
PSYCO 365: Advanced Perception
PSYCO 339: Abnormal Psychology
PSYCO 323: Perceptual and Cognitive Development
ECON 101
EAS 202: Violent Weather
-And once again I can't "actually" register for any 300 level classes)
-And what is violent weather doing in there? well it fits into the time, apparently is easy and has no pre-reqs. How long it stays there is debatable but so far its mine. However if anyone has any suggestions of a fairly easy random course (since all the ones I wanted to take aren't be offered at any decent time) feel free to suggest.