New Fanfic: I've Seen The Heart of Darkness, Let's Just Say I've Crossed Over That Line

Dec 03, 2008 19:56

Dear Friends,

I haven't been on that much lately so due to my insensitive-ness I have decided to reward your patient-ness with a new fanfic. Yes it's Horatio/Ryan but no it is not a continuationof my pervious oneshot. I'm still working on that. So please enjoy.

Chapter 1

Blood. It was all he could taste. All he could feel. It was running down his throat, inside and out. The coppery metal taste over road his senses. His fingers were going numb the loss of blood pushing his motor skills to the limit. Everything around him felt as if it had dropped several degrees. The cold invading his body like the cold chill of ice sweeping through his blood. The collar of his white button up shirt drenched in his blood, the color a deep rich red. His shaking hand could no longer press against the cut across his neck, blood flowing out of the wound to trickle down his neck and land on the gravel of the roof. His faded jeans had splotches of gravitational blood from where it landed on his lower thigh area. His shoes scuffed with white dust or rock from the gravel.
His mouth was open, gasping for air that never seemed to come. His head surged up briefly as he coughed up mouthfuls of blood. His lips, teeth, and mouth dyed a dark red. Blood spilling out through the sides of his mouth with each breath he tried to take. His wrists were bleeding and chaffed. His face paling by the minute. His dark brown hair tousled. His green envy eyes started dimming, becoming glazed. His feelings of reality started to fade. The only thing he could see was the clear, blue sky.

Yelina smiled as she looked at Ray Jr and Horatio talk. It had been a while since she had seen her brother in law; promises of bringing in Ray for some bonding time with Horatio had finally caught up with her. “Horatio, I’m going to go out for a bit. Call me if anything comes up?” Horatio looked at her; she nodded her caramel curly hair bouncing with the movement. She moved her hazel eyes away from him and walked out of the department, a spring in her step. She walked outside and smelled the fresh air that Miami provided. The wind gently playing with her hair. The sun shined down on her as she decided to take a walk. She walked, her mind wandering to things that had happened over the years. Eventually her feet took her to a place she had forgotten. It was a tall building; thirty floors if she remembered correctly. It had been one of her first cases. A girl had been murdered on the top floor; Yelina could barely stomach it. She had run to the roof and looked over the city, trying to get her mind off of the death when she saw it.
A view that had been so strikingly beautiful it took her breath away. She would always go back there, no matter the circumstances that brought her there; it always took her mind off of the death. She opened the door to the building, the cool air attacking her senses. She walked towards the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor once she was in. She watched the floors go by, all the way up to thirty. The elevator dinged and she stepped out. Locating the stairs, she walked the rest of the way up, opening the door as fresh air hit her once again. She closed her eyes to savor the feeling that this special place brought her. Walking forward she opened her eyes again and gasped.
There lying on the rooftop was a man, covered in blood, gasping for air. She ran over, kneeling down by his side, her pants now covered in his blood. She watched as his eyes started dimming. She looked at the hand that tried to cover his wound, but now lay limp over his neck. Pushing her hand onto the wound applying pressure she reached her cell phone with the other hand. Dialing she waited for someone to answer. “Hello, nine-one-one emergency response. What’s your emergency?” The woman said to her over the phone. The man beneath Yelina coughed and blood splattered onto her face. Putting more pressure on the wound Yelina began to talk. “Yes, my name is Yelina Salas. I’m on top of the roof of Michael Law Firm and I have a young man here who has a slit throat. He needs immediate medical attention.” Yelina’s voice was calm and steady. “Alright we’ll send immediate air response. You said Michael Law Firm correct?” Yelina quickly spoke a yes into the phone before the woman told her they would be there momentarily. Hanging up Yelina focused in on the young man who lay bleeding underneath her.
His hair was tousled, bits of blood and gravel strewn throughout it. A dark purple bruise forming on his cheek and an inflamed area around it indicating that his cheekbone might be broken. His green eyes were startling and breath taking, but the glaze that began to settle over them worried Yelina. Blood pooled down both sides of his mouth to trickle down his neck and drip onto the gravel of the roof. His complexion was becoming paler by the minute. His shirt was mostly white, the collar and part of the front dyed a deep cherry red, the material wrinkled. There were drops of blood on his faded jeans suggesting he had been standing or kneeling when his throat was slit. His wrists we chaffed and bloody indicating that he had been restrained by something. The faint sound of a helicopter in the air brought Yelina back. She looked up into the sky to see it hover towards them. The helicopter landed and as the emergency team gathered the man onto a stretcher Yelina took his hand, running towards the helicopter with him. “Everything’s going to be all right.” She whispered to him as they were whisked away into the air.


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