Question #1

May 03, 2005 19:17

I've been asking myself a lot of questions lately, and I think the only way to get answers is to ask all you good people out there. So I think that, starting right now, I am going to ask a question once a week about something that is bothering me.

Today, it is for the ladies.

I read something last week on MSN about kissing... I can't remember what is was specifically, but four of the women interviewed said they HATED it when the guy they were out with either didn't wait for the signals for "I want a kiss" or else missed the signals completely. So I was wondering, do girls really have pre-planned signals for "I want a kiss"? And if you do, what are they?

I expect every girl on my friends list to answer this (and tell your friends), and if you don't I will hate you and burn your house down. :)
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