Twitter = actually not so bad.

May 01, 2009 16:18


I have twitter now.

I am Tim_Dodge. Kind of like I always am.

I have oft wished that live journal or facebook could be an RSS feed without being so much of a whore. Twitter seems to apply itself to this need with a surprising degree of aptness. Also, I am frequently possessed with thoughts, ideas, comments that don't deserve an LJ post, a facebook update, or what have you. Twitter, I find, has filled an expressive niche. For the time being, I like it. Also, instead of friends, I have followers. Who doesn't like having followers? I like my followers.

Also, facebook can eat my shit with all of these goddamned quizzes. I'm sorry, but I can't give a fuck which beer most closely represents one or another number of my friends. Nor can I spare the modicum of brain juice I have available to dampen the efforts of others to show me what country, fantasy animal, or 80s cartoon character they "are" /rant.

I am going camping this weekend. Thus, it is raining. Also, the third floor of my office is the perfect environment to cultivate something. That something is swampass. The AC is now on full blast and as the hours grind on, I am cooling and drying AT THE SAME TIME because we live in the fucking future.
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