Oct 30, 2005 18:30
Halloween is the worst holiday for me, mostly because I think it has the potential to be the best holiday but always falls flat. It could be so perfect: the costumes- a chance to show off my makeup skills or feel sexy in some risky thing I'd never wear any other day of the year, the parties- a chance to hang out and be truly silly with all my friends and maybe even make new ones. It's the only night of the year when people share my enthusiasm for horror films. And the candy- dear god the candy! Yes, Halloween could be the greatest holiday ever... But instead I spend every year sitting at home watching edited cable horror movies by myself, and eating all the candy for my non-existent trick-or-treaters, gaining five pounds in a single night! And I know this year will be no different. At least with Valentine's Day I can steel myself against the horror to come (though it usually goes the exact same way as Halloween.) But there's always that hope I get that this Halloween will be different. It's that glimmer of hope that makes it so unbearable.
It's not all bad though. I carved pumpkins with my aunt. But no one will get it since it's a carving of Krug from VG Cats. I hope I never get tired of screaming "It's time for your lobotomy Jack!" as I stab the pumpkin and rip out it's innards :B
I also went to the Haunted World with some friends who are total scardy cats (I don't think I've used that term since elementary school.) The most fun was watching them scream and run away. Though, I'll admit I jumped a few times myself. It was all pretty fun, even in my 3 inch heels. I just hope the party tomorrow night isn't lame, or get canceled all together. But I suspect it will so much I'm debating whether or not to spend money on a costume. I have some kick ass ice make-up, but I've spent too many Halloweens trying to flirt with guys with flesh dripping off my face- it doesn't really work and gets really discouraging. I want to look sexy and cool. Most of all, I want to actually be out later than midnight and just have fun for a change.
I wish I had more friends here in Boise.
And I wish Cleo would come home, but I've pretty much given up on her.