Jul 06, 2012 11:08

Seems some of you don't know that Nestle has DXTOWN episodes up for streaming.

Here's your link! 
You can navigate to all current episodes from there.

Nestle has other shows up too! I am really liking this model of program delivery! Nestle may not do everything right, but they are on top of advertiser supported online entertainment! I don't know of any other company doing this, at least not on this scale and with as much freedom to the artists. All of us many people who can't catch the shows on TV really appreciate it! If you are in Tokyo, you can watch on Friday nights on TV Tokyo.
Also, the 1st three shows (Spiders Now, The Sun Does Not Wait for Me, Reasons We Can't Fall in Love) are available for pre-order now. There are behind-the-scene extras in the set, so probably a must-have for hard core D-BOYS and D2 fans. Yes, I will be ordering it.

d2, d-boys, dxtown

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