ACCESS NOW: Declaration of Internet Freedom

Jul 04, 2012 12:20

Originally posted by gothickangel92 at ACCESS NOW: Declaration of Internet Freedom
After signing petitions against ACTA/SOPA etc I was sent an e-mail by Access today:

This just in -- the European Parliament has voted down ACTA! Congratulations to you and all the other individuals, organizations, and communities who have fought so hard to defeat this!

This is a huge victory, but the fight doesn’t end here. What we need to do now is focus on reforming these broken laws and promote a culture that is conducive to creativity, free expression, and an open internet, and we invite you to be a part of that conversation.

This week, Access and over 100 other organizations joined together to sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom. It seeks to unite users, industry, and governments against threats to a free and open internet through five guiding principles that emphasize transparency, privacy, free expression, and open dialogue around the future of the internet.

Click here to learn more about the Declaration and become a part of the movement for positive change that’s reshaping the way decision makers approach internet regulation.

This Declaration can help ensure your privacy is protected, your internet stays safe from censorship, and your right to internet access can't be denied. Through this process we can build the safeguards we need to make sure our open internet is never closed -- whether it be by big businesses trying to fatten their bottom line, governments trying to surveil and silence their citizens, or any other enemy to internet freedom.

Join the conversation and make sure our internet stays just as it should -- open and free.

The Access Team
Access is an international NGO that promotes open access to the internet as a means to free, full and safe participation in society and the realization of human rights

You can also sign the petition there:


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