So I celebrated my birthday yesterday and had a lovely day - excursion with the archeology class looking at monumental buildings, work at the shelter where I learned they'd named a (now adopted) kitten after me (d'aww!), and got lovely pressies from my family in the mail.
Loot includes things for Linni, an electric shaver (finally! No longer shall I envy men their fast efficient shaves!), another volume of Deadpool Classic (Weasel! ♥), a nifty jacket that I can "eat if need be" (it's über organic, made from hemp, bamboo and soy) and also, oh jeez, a mug commemorating the royal wedding (a gag gift, obviously. Boy is that going to look out of place next to my Captain Kirk mug)! And
leaper182 sent me lovely birthday-themed Lupin fic.
Maria took me to see Thor, only there were technical difficulties which meant we had to go home after sitting in the dark of the cinema for half an hour. Damn! I always go to the movies on my birthday - and there is usually a Marvel movie showing around May every year, I had some wonderful continuity going. Stupid movie theatre.
Well in any case we got two free tickets out of the ordeal. First I thought I'd try to see Thor tonight, but they're showing The Untouchables at the film club this evening. Thor's for tomorrow then. I think.