tilivenn Mar 12, 2014 17:36
always growing always changing, hell yes, hair, personal, life changes, sesis, makeup, femme, science fiction
tilivenn Dec 31, 2013 17:58
sundown: whispers of ragnarok, sassafrass, anxiety, life changes, frustrating, lonestarcon 3, toxic people, planning for the future, always growing always changing, adventure time, hair, nicki minaj, pacific rim, janelle monae, health, introspection, science fiction, meme, back pain, femme, worldcon, hrsfa, personal, farthing party, fun, gravity falls, guillermo del toro, kanye west, rinko kikuchi, singing, new year, sesis, music, tom mison, thanks
tilivenn Nov 09, 2013 12:09
checking in, hair, personal, fun