The snow that did last - part 7

Mar 15, 2018 04:19

And now it was finally time to say goodbye to the snow as it was melting slowly in the next four days. All but one of these photos were taken in my part of town.

I didn’t know what looked stranger when I went out during those days - the surviving patches of snow and ice or the clear areas between them, with the grass still green as it appeared from under the snow.

3 March:

The plants in that “alien” garden with the unusually good exposure to the sun were reappearing:

… while this area was still mostly covered with snow:

4 March:
Can you see the black bird next to the swings? It was some kind of raven or crow, I think.

Across the road, the buds on an almond three were still getting ready to open:

While some flowers on the next almond three had opened too early and suffered some damage from the now and ice (almond trees are very cold-resistant and the first to come into bloom here, so it was a very serious winter spell indeed).

The buds that were just about to open survived with some damage to the petals here and there.

One of the surviving patches of snow on my way back home:

Melting footprints:

And then I come across this one-eyed pirate of a snowman in the dark. :) I don’t know if he was originally one-eyed or his second eye had fallen off in the process of melting. I was very glad that I found him before he melted completely. Meeting him felt like the best way to say goodbye to the snow.

6 March:
The area from the second photo looked like this now:

Closer to the town centre, one of the very last patches of snow:

And now I’ll go out of chronological order for those of you who are tired of looking at snow and show you what came out of those buds in the first almond tree photos. Sorry that I never managed to photograph this branch while the flowers were at their best.

14 March, after rain and a bit of hail (but the flowers on other almond trees were not damaged, so I assume these were just growing old):

And a flower that had fallen off the same tree:

snow, spring, winter, photo posts

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