The snow that did last - part 6

Mar 14, 2018 03:02

And now I’m mercifully going to gather the best photos from the last two days of serious snow into one entry so that you won’t get them as separate entries… before I share the photos of slowly transitioning into spring, which are still going to involve some snow. :P

It felt so strange to look out of the window and see all that snow in early March... and now I’m still getting used to not seeing it, although I’m now finally ready for spring.

1 March, staying in my more or less immediate area:

One of those inevitable Tuja plants, now with added icicles… and it survived everything.

Fallen seeds from ash trees (Fraxinus something) next to the trolleybus stop:

Can you tell how much I liked the way they looked on the snow?

Walking on. See what had happened to some people’s cars. :)

My shadow on another not very romantic background. You can see a little bit of my local police station on the left side of the screen.

This doggy didn’t seem to appreciate the snow although it’s a Siberian husky (and ugh, I wish they didn’t keep him/her chained).

I’m not sure what this is.

This place surrounded with benches is some kind of playground for ball games for children, but it can’t be seen under the snow. And look, somebody had managed to build a snowman there, although there was no path in the snow; poor thing was no longer in its best shape, but still recognizable:

My favourite outdoor knitting spot. Knitting was out of question, of course. :)

2 March: now let’s go to the town centre. And maybe you are lucky that I had to save the camera memory. :)

On the main street:

In the most central park:

Still there:

And then I finally managed to buy a memory card before I moved on to another park, but it was already getting dark, so my photos of this last snowman (or ice-man) weren’t very good. And ugh, it didn’t help that the snow was still so deep that I couldn’t walk nearer and had to shoot from the nearest cleared path (I think I used the zoom for this one):

And of course one more final conifer (I think this is a cedar tree) in that same park before it got completely dark:

snow, winter, photo posts

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