The snow that did last - part 3

Mar 03, 2018 02:09

Finally the second half - well, more than half - of the photos from 25 February (wow, if we don’t count the dusting on the day before, it’s been six days of lasting serious snow, in spite of a little melting now and then). And now it’s begun to really melt slowly, but surely; there was still plenty of it today, but I don’t think there’ll be anything nice-looking left for tomorrow.

I think I’ll just post a random selection or three of snow photos from the next days because I just ended up with too many to post even after careful selection. But you’ll get that first day of serious snowing in its full increasingly stormy glory, so brace yourselves now. :P

A cypress tree near the supermarket where we often shop (the next photos are from the same area):

You can see the supermarket itself on the left side of this photo, although I was shooting on the garden across the street. I forgot to post this photo last time, so it’s a little out of chronological and spatial order:

The last plane-tree leaf, I promise:

A bit of evergreen that is not a plant. :)

I don’t know if you can see the dusty but steady snowfall here, with the wind growing stronger:

And then I went into the supermarket to buy a couple of forgotten things, and some people seemed to be shopping food for a whole week although the snow didn’t look that scary yet. :)

When I got out, the wind had got very nasty, but I still had to photograph the snow on all the small conifers in front of a tiny shop on the other side:

A young Tuja tree:

… with some visible snow visible against it:

A surprisingly good macro featuring and old cone and some new… buds?

And more small conifers:

The Tuja didn’t look so romantic from this angle and with the shop window behind it. :)

The No 36 trolleybus waiting to start (but I don’t expect you to really see the number):

And the not especially romantic way back home, just to show you how much snow had fallen:

This tree still had some martenitsi from last year on it:

What the parked cars were like:

The snow was covering the trodden paths near my building:

Thankfully, I was already back home when the real storm started - and this stick from the nearest linden tree got blown onto my windowsill:

And the cars below were getting covered with even more snow:

snow, botany, winter, photo posts

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