Something like snow

Dec 04, 2016 02:19

Winter came too early this year. They got snow in the western part of the country, including the capital Sofia, on 28 November, while we on the east got rain. And then that rain transitioned into wet snow in the small hours, or at least this is what it looked like from inside.

And then what we got on the next day wasn't exactly snow, but more like tiny balls made of even tinier ice crystals. It wasn't pleasant when they hit my face on my way to the post office, and then along my usual walking route. They didn't last, of course; the temperature was just a little bit above freezing.

So, we start with photos from our balcony:

Kitty was not amused.

This is what I saw on the other side of the building:
(Note for dan4behr: the white LADA is still live and well; it just wasn't there at that time.)

And as I was walking:

Clematis fluff. :)

A bench in the dark on my way back home.

It was below-freezing cold the next two days, and then we were suddenly back to bearable early-winter temperatures like a daily high of 7C (and even that is a little too cold for early December in my climate).

autumnal colours, kitties, town fauna, snow, winter, photo posts

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