Ginkgo leaves

Dec 01, 2016 03:19

Ginkgo trees are still an exotic rarity in my hometown; there are only three that I know of in the town centre. There are now also a few very young trees in my part of town, but I never managed to take decent photos of their autumn leaves; I forget if it was the light r the wind that ruined my photographic effort.

And by the way, ginkgo trees always remind me of susandennis now. :)

So here is a selection of my photos of the "central" trees while their leaves lasted:

Park #1, 29 October

The same trees (well, there aren't any other Ginko trees in that park anyway), 14 November. It only struck me when I was sorting through my photos that the leaves nearest some streetlight last the longest.

Park #2, 21 November
I was somehow oblivious of that tree although it must have been there in the corner for many years, so i was surprised when i suddenly noticed it. ;)

The same tree, 24 November
Do you see what I meant about the leaves closets to the streetlight?

The most interesting-shaped leaf I saw on the ground. I'm afraid there may be a bit of bird poop on it though. lol

And now it's suddenly winter a little too early in the year, and I haven't yet managed to post most of my autumnal photos. Ouch!

autumnal colours, botany, photo posts

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