Russia on my mind

Jun 12, 2013 16:35

An edited version of the federal bill against "gay propaganda" was passed yesterday in both the second and third reading by the State Duma (the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament), so it is now very near becoming a law. Here is a very good detailed report in English by the Associated Press. The full text of the bill in Russian can be found here.

Here is my own translation of what exactly the bill prohibits, for you to enjoy its full insanity (corrections anybody?):

The propaganda among minors of non-traditional sexual relations expressed in spreading information aimed at the formation of non-traditional sexual patterns in the minors, of the attractiveness of non-traditional sexual relations, of a distorted image of the social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional sexual relations, or the imposition of information about non-traditional sexual relationships causing interest in such relations if these action

There is no definition of "traditional" or "no-traditional" sexual relations.

The original Russian text for those of you who can understand it:

Пропаганда нетрадиционных сексуальных отношений среди несовершеннолетних, выразившаяся в распространении информации, направленной на формирование у несовершеннолетних нетрадиционных сексуальных установок, привлекательности нетрадиционных сексуальных отношений, искаженного представления о социальной равноценности традиционных и нетрадиционных сексуальных отношений, либо навязывание информации о нетрадиционных сексуальных отношениях, вызывающей интерес к таким отношениям

My translation into Bulgarian:

Пропагандата на нетрадиционни сексуални взаимоотношения сред непълнолетни, изразена в разпространението на информация, насочена към формирането у непълнолетните на нетрадиционни сексуални нагласи, привлекателност на нетрадиционните сексуални отношения, изкривена представа за социалната равноценност на традиционните и нетрадиционните сексуални отношения, или натрапването на информация за нетрадиционни сексуални отношения, предизвикваща интерес към такива отношения

There was a protest action, an the protesters got beaten by "Orthodox Christian" or pro-government activists and arrested (anyone surprised?). zyalt has hosted a photo report in Russian here, but it's only repostable in such a way that nothing can be added to the entry, so I'm posting a link instead. The last photos feature some very underage hooligans.

The State Duma also passed another bill that makes "offending the religious feelings of the believers" a criminal offence punishable with up to three years in prison, unlike the "propaganda" of whatever, which was only made an administrative offence punishable by fines. Do I need to tell you which religion they had in mind?

Amnesty International condemned both bills.

And so the struggle in Russia continues... and all I can do is spread the information and show my moral support to my friends there.

russia, homophobia

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